Piranesi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Susanna Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Piranesi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Susanna Clarke
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Other tell Piranesi about Piranesi in Part II that shocks him?
(a) He thinks Piranesi is a good musician.
(b) He knows where Piranesi's mother is.
(c) Piranesi often forgets about things and conversations they have had in the past.
(d) He knows where Piranesi can meet a lot of new people.

2. What does Piranesi often take particular note of about his meetings with the Other in his journals?
(a) The Other's breathing patterns.
(b) The state of the Other's teeth.
(c) The Other's accent.
(d) The Other's suits and clothes.

3. Why does Piranesi think the House gives more to the Other than to him?
(a) The Other knows the person who runs the House.
(b) The Other must do rituals to extract things from the House.
(c) The Other pays the House.
(d) The Other does not know how to take care of himself like Piranesi does.

4. Where does Piranesi believe 16 lives?
(a) On an ocean island.
(b) In a far-off region of the House, in his own Halls.
(c) In a hall near to Piranesi's own Halls.
(d) In another world.

5. Which statue saves Piranesi's life when he falls?
(a) The Minotaur.
(b) The Fox teaching creatures.
(c) The Trampled Man.
(d) The Faun.

6. What does Piranesi use to weigh down his note to Laurence in Part II?
(a) A bowl.
(b) A pebble.
(c) A book.
(d) A shell.

7. What does Piranesi call the person the Other says might visit the House in Part II?
(a) 10.
(b) 16.
(c) 40.
(d) 32.

8. What sometimes drifts into Piranesi's area of the House where he sleeps?
(a) Ghosts.
(b) Other people.
(c) Clouds.
(d) Cats.

9. What revelation comes to Piranesi on his way back from the One-Hundred-and-Ninety-Second Western Hall in Part II?
(a) The Great and Secret Knowledge seems insignificant to him now.
(b) He needs to try to meet another person besides the Other.
(c) The Other might be his enemy.
(d) He does not know where his own mother is.

10. Why does Piranesi think the Other has asked him about Batter-Sea?
(a) He thinks it means something important to the Other.
(b) He thinks it is where the Other was born.
(c) He thinks it is a control question in his data-collecting.
(d) He thinks it might be where he was born.

11. What is the Other afraid of in the House?
(a) The statues.
(b) The wolves.
(c) The powerful tides and movement of water.
(d) The enchanting music.

12. Which one is Piranesi's favorite statue?
(a) The men emerging from the wall.
(b) The Faun.
(c) The Minotaurs.
(d) The Fox.

13. What is the Other on a quest after?
(a) The Smorgasboard.
(b) The Kingship.
(c) The Ritual.
(d) The Great and Secret Knowledge.

14. Who does Piranesi meet in Part II by the Western Doors?
(a) The Folded-Up Child.
(b) Sylvia D'Agostino.
(c) The Biscuit-Box Man.
(d) The man he thinks of as The Prophet.

15. What does Piranesi have to brave to find food?
(a) The fires.
(b) The diseased halls.
(c) The tides.
(d) The wolf-infested halls.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Piranesi mistake the albatross for at first?

2. Who does Piranesi show his new shoes to?

3. Which of the following does the Other ask Piranesi for in Part I?

4. Which creatures does Piranesi sometimes talk to in the House?

5. What kinds of clothes does the Other usually wear?

(see the answer keys)

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