Pippi Longstocking Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pippi Longstocking Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Pippi ask Tommy and Annika to sit while she takes advantage of the vacation?
(a) On the table.
(b) On her bed.
(c) In the tree.
(d) In the bathtub.

2. What month does the first school vacation take place in?
(a) September.
(b) August.
(c) November.
(d) October.

3. What does Pippi do when Mrs. Carmencita rides by her?
(a) Talks to the horse.
(b) Throws a ribbon at the horse.
(c) Jumps on the horse.
(d) Cheers and screams.

4. What does Tommy say was the best part of the circus?
(a) The tightrope walker.
(b) Pippi.
(c) The strongest man.
(d) The bearded lady.

5. How does the town learn about what Pippi did at the circus?
(a) The ringmaster tells everyone about it.
(b) The people who were there talk about it.
(c) It is in the newspaper.
(d) It is on the news that night.

6. What does Tommy find in a field while on the picnic?
(a) An angry bull.
(b) A lost alligator.
(c) A hornet's nest.
(d) A drunk man.

7. What is Annika's last name?
(a) Santogren.
(b) Sentergreen.
(c) Settergren.
(d) Santergreen.

8. How does Pippi spell circus?
(a) Serkas.
(b) Sircas.
(c) Sercuss.
(d) Surkus.

9. What does Miss Elvira do at the circus?
(a) Tames lions.
(b) Swings on the trapeze.
(c) Walks on a tightrope.
(d) Sings.

10. Where does Pippi keep her bag of gold?
(a) Under her pillow.
(b) In the ice box.
(c) On top of her dresser.
(d) In the bathtub.

11. What does Pippi ask for to help her save the boys in the tall building?
(a) Some water.
(b) A ladder.
(c) A tall cup.
(d) A rope.

12. Who does Pippi want to take on a picnic with Tommy and Annika?
(a) The girl looking for her father.
(b) Tommy's mother.
(c) Mr. Nilsson.
(d) The horse.

13. What is the Swedish word for thank you?
(a) Tuck.
(b) Tick.
(c) Tock.
(d) Tack.

14. What is Pippi doing when she first hears about Tommy's mother's coffee party?
(a) Ironing clothes.
(b) Watering flowers.
(c) Climbing a tree.
(d) Dancing.

15. What color horse is Mrs. Carmencita standing on?
(a) White.
(b) Gray.
(c) Black.
(d) Brown.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who helps Pippi save the boys in the tall building?

2. What does Pippi do when the band begins to play at the circus?

3. What does Pippi sing about after the picnic?

4. Who is Adolf?

5. What do the thieves wait for after they leave Pippi's house for the first time?

(see the answer keys)

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