Pineapple Street Test | Final Test - Medium

Jenny Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pineapple Street Test | Final Test - Medium

Jenny Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 10, "Sasha," what item does Sasha impulsively discard during her cleaning spree?
(a) CDs.
(b) Old books.
(c) Clothing.
(d) Furniture.

2. In Chapter 11, "Georgiana," what does Georgiana discover when she pours over the company newsletter archive?
(a) Amina's name mentioned repeatedly.
(b) Stories about her own accomplishments.
(c) Information about her upcoming project.
(d) Articles about Brady's work in Seattle.

3. In Chapter 9, "Darley," what leads Darley to believe that United Airlines will partner with the Brazilian airline Azul?
(a) United Airlines announces their intention publicly on TV.
(b) Azul Airlines contacts her with the partnership offer.
(c) Malcolm informs her of the upcoming deal.
(d) Darley analyzes the competition and market dynamics.

4. In Chapter 17, "Georgiana," who is the other trustee of Georgiana's trust besides Bill Wallis?
(a) Her brother.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Her uncle.
(d) Her father.

5. In Chapter 13, "Sasha," why does Sasha decide to distance herself from Cord's sisters?
(a) They insulted her at the wedding.
(b) She finds them annoying and intrusive.
(c) She wants to protect her emotional well-being.
(d) She is moving away.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 13, "Sasha," what does the nickname, the Gold Digger imply about Sasha?

2. In Chapter 16, "Sasha," what is Mullin's role in Sasha's life?

3. In Chapter 9, "Darley," how does Darley's interactions with Sasha impact her social life?

4. In Chapter 16, "Sasha," what realization does Sasha come to about her own behavior?

5. In Chapter 17, "Georgiana," what past experience does Georgiana recall during her conversation with her mother?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 9, "Darley," compare and contrast Darley's parenting methods with those of other characters, considering the effects on her children's behavior and development.

2. In Chapter 17, "Georgiana," how does the theme of forgiveness manifest in the chapter, and how does it impact the characters' growth?

3. In Chapter 13, "Sasha," analyze Sasha's role as a confidante and her emotional journey throughout the chapter. How does her willingness to listen and offer support to Cord's sisters reflect her character?

4. In Chapter 14, "Georgiana," discuss the novel's exploration of morality and responsibility, particularly in relation to Curtis's decision to give away his inheritance and the organization's efforts in international healthcare.

5. In Chapter 12, "Darley," how do the characters' experiences with parenting reflect broader societal attitudes towards motherhood and career aspirations?

6. In Chapter 12, "Darley," analyze the evolving role of women within the Stockton family and its portrayal in the chapter.

7. In Chapter 15, "Darley," examine the family dynamics and relationships presented during the gender reveal luncheon.

8. In Chapter 15, "Darley," how does the cake incident reflect the theme of uncertainty?

9. In Chapter 16, "Sasha,, how does Sasha's journey from feeling like an outsider to challenging the Stockton family's dynamics reflect a broader theme of identity?

10. In Chapter 10, "Sasha," discuss Sasha's reflections on her childhood crush, her evolving relationship with Cord, and her impulsive cleaning spree as instances that contribute to her journey of self-discovery.

(see the answer keys)

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