Pineapple Street Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jenny Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pineapple Street Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Jenny Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 6, "Darley," how does Darley react to Malcolm's firing?
(a) She is outraged and upset by the injustice.
(b) She is relieved and sees it as an opportunity.
(c) She is indifferent and does not care.
(d) She is angry and seeks revenge.

2. In Chapter 4, "Sasha," what does Sasha want in her relationship with Cord?
(a) Regular travels and adventurous experiences.
(b) A wealthy and luxurious lifestyle.
(c) Stability, ease, and a partner who loves her but does not need her.
(d) Grand romantic gestures and intense passion.

3. In Chapter 6, "Darley," what role does Darley's racial identity play in her reaction to Malcolm's firing?
(a) It makes her indifferent to the situation.
(b) It causes her to celebrate Malcolm's firing.
(c) It intensifies her anger and sense of injustice.
(d) It leads her to blame Malcolm for the situation.

4. In Chapter 3, "Darley," how does Darley handle the dead pigeon that Poppy finds?
(a) She buries it in the ground.
(b) She puts it in the recycling bin.
(c) She calls animal control to take care of it.
(d) She throws it in the garbage.

5. In Chapter 6, "Darley," what do some people at the playground and the club find cute or exotic about Darley's children?
(a) Their biracial heritage.
(b) Their intelligence.
(c) Their athletic abilities.
(d) Their friendly nature.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 7, "Sasha," how does Sasha's background differ from Cord's family's lifestyle?

2. In Chapter 8, "Georgiana," how does Georgiana describe Curtis McCoy, the person she meets over the weekend?

3. In Chapter 8, "Georgiana," how does Georgiana feel about the prospect of sharing a hotel room with Meg during the conference?

4. In Chapter 8, "Georgiana," what does Georgiana think about Curtis McCoy?

5. In Chapter 4, "Sasha," why does Mullin's behavior change after Sasha gets accepted to art school?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 4, "Sasha," how does Sasha's honeymoon experience in Turks and Caicos reveal the differences in her and Cord's vacation preferences, and what does it tell readers about their relationship dynamics?

2. In Chapter 5, "Georgiana," how does Georgiana's upbringing and schooling contribute to her challenges in the dating world?

3. In Chapter 1, "Sasha," discuss the significance of the room that serves as a portal to 1997 in "Sasha's House." how does the room symbolize Sasha's struggle to blend her past with her present, and how does it impact her relationship with her husband and in-laws?

4. In Chapter 6, "Darley," how does Malcolm's unexpected firing from his job serve as a poignant example of systemic bias and privilege within the corporate world, and how does Darley's reaction reveal the larger impact of such injustices on individuals and families?

5. In Chapter 2, "Georgiana," discuss the significance of Georgiana's blushing and how it evolves from an endearing trait to a professional liability. How does her tendency to blush easily affect her interactions with others, particularly with Brady.

6. In Chapter 5, "Georgiana," how does Georgiana's connection with Brady evolve through their shared interest in tennis?

7. In Chapter 3, "Darley," how does the chapter text portray the dynamics of Darley and Malcolm's marriage, considering their demanding careers and shared responsibilities?

8. In Chapter 3, "Darley," how does the chapter text illustrate the importance of family support in maintaining parental well-being, especially during challenging times?

9. In Chapter 8, "Georgiana," how does Brady's upbringing and exposure to different cultures influence his decision to work in the global health field, and how does Georgiana react to his reasons?

10. In Chapter 4, "Sasha,, how does Sasha's family's behavior contrast with her husband Cord's family during special occasions and celebrations?

(see the answer keys)

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