Pineapple Street Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Jenny Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pineapple Street Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Jenny Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 18, "Darley" - Chapter 22, "Sasha".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 16, "Sasha," why does Sasha feel guilty during her drive to her parents' house?
(a) She has not visited her parents in months due to her busy schedule.
(b) She forgot her laptop and work documents at home.
(c) She left her car's headlights on before leaving.
(d) She missed a family celebration the previous week.

2. In Chapter 8, "Georgiana," how does Georgiana's mother react to her borrowing clothes?
(a) She is angry and scolds Georgiana for borrowing clothes.
(b) She is indifferent and does not care about Georgiana's choices.
(c) She is reluctant and refuses to lend anything.
(d) She is supportive and allows Georgiana to borrow freely.

3. In Chapter 2, "Georgiana," how does Georgiana's blushing affect her interactions with Brady?
(a) It leads to open and comfortable conversations.
(b) She avoids eye contact and feels embarrassed.
(c) She uses it to gain attention and affection.
(d) It makes her more confident and assertive.

4. In Chapter 20, "Georgiana," how does Georgiana feel about her relationship with money?
(a) She believes it has no influence on her attitudes and beliefs.
(b) She thinks her wealth is a burden and wants to give it away.
(c) She sees it as a means to achieve personal happiness.
(d) She acknowledges that her beliefs about wealth are deeply ingrained.

5. In Chapter 19, "Sasha," what app idea does Cord suggest during their humorous discussion?
(a) An app for identifying different bird species.
(b) An app for guided meditation.
(c) An app that tracks honking behavior.
(d) An app for virtual reality gaming.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 20, "Georgiana," how does Georgiana feel about being honest with Curtis?

2. In Chapter 17, "Georgiana," who is the other trustee of Georgiana's trust besides Bill Wallis?

3. In Chapter 1, "Sasha," why does Sasha feel weird living in her new home?

4. In Chapter 11, "Georgiana," how does Georgiana react when she finds out about Brady's marriage to Amina?

5. In Chapter 18, "Darley," why does Darley rush to Pineapple Street?

(see the answer key)

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