Pineapple Street Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Jenny Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pineapple Street Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Jenny Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 13, "Sasha" - Chapter 17, "Georgiana".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 5, "Georgiana," how does Georgiana feel when she is physically active?
(a) Lively and authentic.
(b) Shy and reserved.
(c) Bored and uninterested.
(d) nxious and self-conscious.

2. In Chapter 17, "Georgiana," who is the other trustee of Georgiana's trust besides Bill Wallis?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Her brother.
(c) Her uncle.
(d) Her father.

3. In Chapter 15, "Darley," what does Georgiana's outburst at the party primarily focus on?
(a) Gender norms and societal expectations.
(b) Her dislike of Sasha.
(c) The lack of entertainment.
(d) The quality of the food and drinks.

4. In Chapter 12, "Darley," how does Tilda participate in the auction?
(a) She offers themed parties in vacant buildings.
(b) She donates artwork created by her children.
(c) She performs a musical act for entertainment.
(d) She bids on a private jet for a vacation. c) She offers themed parties in vacant buildings.

5. In Chapter 8, "Georgiana," how does Georgiana's mother react to her borrowing clothes?
(a) She is angry and scolds Georgiana for borrowing clothes.
(b) She is indifferent and does not care about Georgiana's choices.
(c) She is reluctant and refuses to lend anything.
(d) She is supportive and allows Georgiana to borrow freely.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 9, "Darley," when does Darley and Sasha find it challenging to include Sasha in the family's conversations and activities?

2. In Chapter 15, "Darley," how do the characters' interactions at the tea party parallel Alice's experiences in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland?

3. In Chapter 7, "Sasha," how does Sasha's background differ from Cord's family's lifestyle?

4. In Chapter 17, "Georgiana," what theme is emphasized through Georgiana's conversation with her mother?

5. In Chapter 14, "Georgiana," what is Curtis's main motivation for attending the benefit and engaging with Georgiana?

(see the answer key)

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