Pimp: The Story of My Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Iceberg Slim
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pimp: The Story of My Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Iceberg Slim
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Blood do first upon waking up in Chapter 7?
(a) Get high.
(b) Eat breakfast.
(c) Abuse Runt.
(d) Get drunk.

2. After beating Runt with a wire, how does Blood respond to his own reaction?
(a) Throws her out on the street so he doesn't have to look at her.
(b) Contemplates suicide.
(c) Contemptuously.
(d) Cries and nurses her wounds.

3. Chapter 3 describes Blood's participation in a con against Pepper which ultimately backfires. What is the original objective of the con?
(a) Rape.
(b) Theft.
(c) Revenge.
(d) Blackmail.

4. How long does Bobby spend in Reformatory?
(a) 18 months.
(b) 6 months.
(c) 24 months.
(d) 10 months.

5. What does Blood buy Preston as a form of payment?
(a) Alcohol.
(b) A new pair of shoes.
(c) A new watch.
(d) A prostitute.

6. After Pretty Preston's revenge attempt on Sweet Jones fails, what does Blood decide he wants from Sweet Jones?
(a) Information on how to be a successful pimp.
(b) Sweet's opinions on the best women.
(c) Information on the local cops.
(d) Gambling tips.

7. Pepper turns the tables on the con Blood attempts and accuses him of what?
(a) Theft.
(b) Drug dealing.
(c) Trespassing.
(d) Rape.

8. Who is young Bobby's first sexual encounter?.
(a) The waitress at the hotel where Mama works.
(b) His babysitter, Maude.
(c) One of Mama's hairstyling customers.
(d) Steve.

9. How does Blood come to view Sweet Jones?
(a) As the pinnacle of pimping success.
(b) As the epitome of what not to be as a pimp.
(c) As a younger brother.
(d) As a warning of the dangers of his newfound career.

10. What was Pretty Preston's career before Sweet Jones double-crossed him?
(a) Night Club owner.
(b) Drug Dealer.
(c) Pimp.
(d) Police Officer.

11. When Runt doesn't return after the wire beating, what does Blood realize about his relationship with Runt?
(a) That he has finally achieved total emotional indifference.
(b) That he's sick of her.
(c) That he cares for her.
(d) That he hates her.

12. For what is Bobby finally thrown out of his university?
(a) Running a drug ring.
(b) Prostitution of a female colleague.
(c) A bootlegging scheme.
(d) Relationship with a female student.

13. How does Blood leave Melody?
(a) Tied to a bed.
(b) Alone on a street corner.
(c) Asleep.
(d) Handcuffed to a railing.

14. What physical surprise does Blood discover about Melody?
(a) She is male.
(b) She is a different race.
(c) She is an amputee.
(d) She is bald.

15. After his initial meeting with Runt, where does Blood go before leaving the city?
(a) His Parole Officer's office.
(b) Pepper's house.
(c) Mama's house.
(d) His old hang-outs.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Blood's attitude towards white society change after his encounter with Melody?

2. While Blood is sitting in his parked car outside the Roost, Pretty Preston jumps in and tells Blood what he plans to do to Sweet Jones for revenge. What is it?

3. Chapter 8 is effectively "Day 3" in Blood's new life as a professional pimp with Runt as his working girl. After breakfast, how does Day 3 begin?

4. Pimps earn wages by psychological manipulation, but do NOT do what?

5. What does Sweet Jones say that he hates about Blood during their first formal meeting?

(see the answer keys)

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