Pictures of Hollis Woods Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pictures of Hollis Woods Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long will Hollis and Josie be able to stay in the Summer house?
(a) Just for Autumn and Winter.
(b) Just the Winter and Spring.
(c) Just for the Winter.
(d) Just Summer and Fall.

2. In her head, Hollis begs the Old Man and Izzy not to _____________________.
(a) drive to the Coast.
(b) tell Steven she is never coming back.
(c) mind her plan to take Josie to the Summer house.
(d) forget about her.

3. What does Hollis ask Steven regarding his fights with the Old Man?
(a) If it is her fault that they fight so much.
(b) If the Old Man has ever hit Steven.
(c) If Steven picks fights on purpose.
(d) If the Old Man is sick.

4. Hollis recalls the morning she left Branches and her worst moment when she realizes she would never see __________________ again.
(a) her bedroom.
(b) her drawing box.
(c) the lake.
(d) Old Man's Mountain.

5. Who does Hollis meet as she is walking to town to call Beatrice?
(a) Emmy.
(b) Steven.
(c) Izzy.
(d) Beatrice.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Hollis take with her on her trip on the mountain?

2. Where did Steven go on the last day Hollis was with the family?

3. Where does Hollis park Josie's car?

4. Where does Hollis go after she leaves the Regans' home?

5. What do Josie and Hollis make for Christmas Eve dinner?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Hollis feel bad that Steven and the Old Man seem to fight so much?

2. What item was Hollis sick about leaving behind when she had left the Regans' house and how does she feel when she realizes that it is still in her room?

3. How does Josie's gift to Hollis try to boost Hollis' self esteem, and what does Hollis mourn for when she goes outside?

4. Why does Hollis not ask Josie about the green sweater now hanging in the shed but which Hollis had left at the riverbank the day she saw someone on the opposite bank?

5. What things does Hollis say to the Regans in her head as she prepares for the escape trip with Josie?

6. What is Steven's response when Hollis tells him the reason why she did not want to go back to the Regans' house?

7. Why does Hollis not actually draw the Eleventh Picture, On the Mountain?

8. Why does Hollis run away from the Regans' home after the truck accident and refuse to see any of them again?

9. What gifts do Hollis and Josie give each other for Christmas?

10. Describe how Hollis quickly prepares for her escape trip with Josie.

(see the answer keys)

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