Picture Perfect Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Picture Perfect Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Alex tell Cassie that his father did when they have dinner in his tent in Tanzania?
(a) Died trying to save Alex from a fire.
(b) Died trying to save a fellow soldier.
(c) Gambled and sold his mother.
(d) Beat him and left him to die.

2. What does Will remember being in Chapter Twenty?
(a) A Kit Fox Warrior.
(b) A Giver.
(c) A Pine Ridge Patriot.
(d) A shaman in training.

3. Who is Cassie left with at Alex's movie premiere?
(a) Bernie Roth.
(b) Nick LaRue.
(c) Michaela Snow.
(d) Herb Silver.

4. How many Oscars does Alex win on the night that Cassie watches the award show with Will?
(a) One.
(b) None.
(c) Two.
(d) Three.

5. Who does Alex take to the Academy Awards?
(a) Miranda.
(b) Ophelia.
(c) His co-star.
(d) Michaela Snow.

6. Where does Alex tell Cassie's department head that she has gone when he comes looking for her?
(a) To Vermont to see her sick grandmother.
(b) To Maine to see her sick father.
(c) To the hospital to help a sick friend.
(d) She in in the hospital after a car accident.

7. What happens to Cassie after Alex beats her in Chapter Sixteen?
(a) She goes into shock.
(b) She miscarries.
(c) She gets a concussion.
(d) She goes to the emergency room.

8. Who is Cyrus?
(a) A counselor.
(b) Cassie's father.
(c) Will's grandfather.
(d) Will's boss.

9. What is the title of the screenplay that Cassie thinks will help Alex?
(a) Chance Laslo.
(b) The Story of His Life.
(c) Dreams in the Bayou.
(d) Green Lessons.

10. What happens to Alex's sneakers that sends him into a rage in Chapter Seventeen?
(a) They are run over in the garage.
(b) They are left outside and rained on.
(c) The cat pees in them.
(d) The dog chews them.

11. What does Cassie see Alex as in the dreams where Connor warns her about making a mistake?
(a) A vulture.
(b) A wounded bird.
(c) A baby kitten.
(d) An attacking wolf.

12. What happens to Cassie when Alex abuses and kicks her in Chapter Twenty-Six?
(a) She loses hearing in one ear.
(b) She loses eyesight in one eye.
(c) She get a broken nose.
(d) She gets a broken wrist.

13. What does Alex do that results in Cassie getting a job promotion?
(a) Signs a photo for the dean's wife.
(b) Offers financial support to the university.
(c) Meets with the department head's daughter.
(d) Threatens the department head.

14. Where does Cassie go after she leaves Alex in Chapter Nineteen?
(a) To a shelter.
(b) To a hotel.
(c) To Will's.
(d) To Ophelia's.

15. Where does Alex tell Cassie he grew up?
(a) Montreal.
(b) Moscow.
(c) Pensacola.
(d) Louisiana.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Alex tell the media that Cassie was away?

2. What is Alex's reaction when Cassie pours juice into his lap at the first meeting?

3. Why does Alex come to Cassie's classroom in Chapter Sixteen?

4. Who is Ophelia's date at Alex's movie premiere?

5. In Chapter Sixteen, what does Cassie realize that she forgot to bring to Tanzania?

(see the answer keys)

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