Picture Perfect Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Picture Perfect Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Alex's public relations person arrange a photo opportunity for him in Chapter Eight?
(a) A shelter for battered women.
(b) A senior citizen's center.
(c) A community center.
(d) A pediatric ward with leukemia patients.

2. What article of clothing does Alex have organized by color?
(a) Socks.
(b) Sweaters.
(c) T-shirts.
(d) Underwear.

3. What does Alex bring Cassie in Chapter Six?
(a) Flowers.
(b) A box of cholocates.
(c) A box of bones.
(d) Plane tickets.

4. Where is the unnamed woman found lying in Chapter One?
(a) In William's garage.
(b) On a sidewalk.
(c) In a graveyard.
(d) On a park bench.

5. Where does Will take Jane in the beginning of Chapter Two?
(a) To the emergency room.
(b) To a clinic on the reservation.
(c) To his parent's house.
(d) To a psychologist's office.

6. What name does Jane find at the library that she thinks might be her own?
(a) Molly.
(b) Sarah.
(c) Silver.
(d) Barrett.

7. What does Jane realize that her profession is?
(a) Detective.
(b) Anthropologist.
(c) Interpreter.
(d) Pianist.

8. Where does Alex tell Cassie his parents live?
(a) Washington, DC,
(b) New Orleans.
(c) Virginia Beach.
(d) Rochester, New York.

9. What does Alex say is Cassie's only character flaw?
(a) Frugality.
(b) Forgetfulness.
(c) Generosity.
(d) Ophelia.

10. What does Will leave with Jane when he goes to work and leaves her home alone in his apartment?
(a) His credit card and his motorcycle.
(b) A cat and a cellphone.
(c) Cash and list of phone numbers.
(d) Money, toothpaste and a key.

11. What does Cassie say that Connor inspired her to do?
(a) Excel in school.
(b) Leave Maine.
(c) Become an anthroplogist.
(d) Read.

12. Who is Alex's public relations person?
(a) Karen.
(b) Michaela.
(c) Donovan.
(d) Shirley.

13. What is the profession of Jane's husband?
(a) Anthropologist.
(b) Forensic scientist.
(c) Police officer.
(d) Actor.

14. In the Algonquin legend that opens the novel, why is the woman rewarded while others are punished?
(a) She is honest and sees the chief's greatness.
(b) She is the mother of the boy who saves the tribe.
(c) She holds the branch of life.
(d) She tells the legend the chief likes the best.

15. Where does Will watch an Alex Rivers' movie about Native American Indians?
(a) Westwood Community Center.
(b) In a theater.
(c) At Cassie's.
(d) At home.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to the photographer who takes Alex and Cassie's picture when they go out to dinner in Chapter Seven?

2. Where does Will go after Cassie and Alex leave the restaurant the night of the fight?

3. In the Eskimo Indian legend that opens Chapter Ten, what animal disguises itself as a man to enchant the woman?

4. What is true about Jane in Chapter Two?

5. What did Cassie and Connor steal together?

(see the answer keys)

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