Phoenix Rising Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Phoenix Rising Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nyle do to remind herself of Ezra?

2. What doesn't Nyle tell Muncie about the puppy?

3. How does the back bedroom look now?

4. Where does Gran take the Trents to see about some government assistance?

5. Why does Ripley throw an ice ball at Nyle?

Short Essay Questions

1. What gets Nyle thinking about her father and why is she mad at him (though, perhaps she unconscious of the reason)?

2. Why do you think Nyle and Ezra are awkward with each other when put in a position that it seems they must acknowledge something about their relationship?

3. Describe the altercation between Ripley and the three friends.

4. What are signs of Ezra's improvement?

5. What happens that probably garners sympathy for Ripley on the part of the characters and readers?

6. Why is Ezra upset after Nyle reads her paper to him?

7. Describe Muncie's reaction to Nyle wanting to sit next to her on the bus.

8. How does Nyle show wisdom in her interaction with Ezra about the puppy?

9. What sort of epiphany does Nyle have about Ezra as he begins to heal?

10. How does Muncie prove that despite her ups and downs with her friendship with Nyle she is a true friend?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

There are a number of symbols that appear throughout the text. One of the ones that appears in a number of chapters is that of the curtain in the back room. Answer the following questions in a well-developed essay using specific examples and details:

1. What does the closed curtain signify? Give examples.

2. What does the open curtain signify? Give examples.

3. What is the broader implication of the symbolic meaning of the curtain?

4. Is there a symbol that represents the same thing as the curtain in your own life? What? How did it come to have that meaning for you?

Essay Topic 2

In chapter 4, the girls are reading in their English class is about death. Muncie asks Nyle if she thinks the refugees should have left the mountain or not. The two girls differ in their opinion. Perhaps it is this difference of opinion that compels Nyle to not "dare" tell Muncie about Ezra. Answer the following questions by writing a cohesive essay using specific examples and details to illustrate your stance.

1. Many people seem to think they can "catch" radiation poisoning from people who have it. Can they? Or is this just an excuse to not deal with something that most people would want to forget?

2. Up until now, it is easy to blame Nyle more than Muncie for the rift in their friendship, but do you think Muncie's attitude justifies Nyle's hesitation? Or do you think Muncie would "deal with it?"

3. Do you think it is realistic to think the people on the mountain would have stayed there and suffered certain, horrible death? Would you be willing to have strangers in your home who may be dying from radiation poisoning? Even if it could not affect you physically?

Essay Topic 3

In chapter 2, Nyle asks Gran about anger. Nyle admits to being so angry she can see "the blood inside your eyes." Gran wisely advises her to lose the anger because it is not good for a person to hang on to that kind of anger. Choose one of the following questions and write a well-developed essay using specific examples and details:

1. Do you think Gran's advice is sound? Why or why not?

2. How do you think Nyle can go about "losing" her anger?

3. Where else does Nyle's anger appear in the story? Is her anger justified? Understandable? What can she do to let go of the anger?

4. Can you use your advice about how Nyle can let go of her anger and apply it to any way your own anger is sparked? Why or why not?

(see the answer keys)

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