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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does Nyla do as she nuzzles Bayley?
(a) Tells Bayley about her problems with Muncie.
(b) Tells Bayley that she wishes her father were here.
(c) Asks Bayley why he never seems sad.
(d) Thinks that Ezra will die.
2. What brings up the topic of the nuclear accident?
(a) A book about death and belonging.
(b) Talking about Ezra.
(c) Seeing all the masks the kids are wearing.
(d) Seeing the towers of the power plant.
3. What is not out as usual?
(a) The afternoon paper.
(b) The firestriker.
(c) The log keeper.
(d) A snack for Nyle.
4. About what do the two teens talk?
(a) What's going on at Nyle's school.
(b) The latest movies.
(c) The weather and sheep farming.
(d) Training horses.
5. What do the girls do in Radio Shack?
(a) Look at an ipod.
(b) Play a video game.
(c) Watch the t.v.
(d) Play with the radio operated cars.
6. Who does Nyle invite along?
(a) Muncie.
(b) Ripley.
(c) Ezra.
(d) No one.
7. Who is Nyle yelling at as the story begins?
(a) Tyrus.
(b) Muncie.
(c) Ripley.
(d) Phoebe.
8. What is Ezra doing when Nyla comes into his room?
(a) He is waiting for her and propped up on pillows.
(b) He is petting Nyla's dog.
(c) He is talking on the phone.
(d) He is watching t.v.
9. Who does not answer Nyle's calls?
(a) Nyle's father.
(b) Nyle's mother.
(c) Nyle's grandpa.
(d) Gran and the dog and cat.
10. What does Mr. Harris do?
(a) Milks the cow to make ice cream.
(b) Tells Nyle and Muncie a scary story as they card wool.
(c) Builds a fire for Nyle and Muncie.
(d) Plays the banjo to entertain the girls as they card wool.
11. What does Nyle wonder about her mask?
(a) Whether it was any longer necessary.
(b) If they would have to wear the mask for the rest of their lives.
(c) If the mask would eventually become radioactive.
(d) How it could protect her against something unseen.
12. What does Nyle decide about the next day?
(a) She will stay at her cousin's house.
(b) She will find a book to share with Ezra.
(c) She will visit Ezra again.
(d) She will avoid the back bedroom.
13. What is the only thing Ezra says to Nyle?
(a) "Who are you?"
(b) "I want my mommie."
(c) "I want to go home."
(d) "I had a dog."
14. What does Muncie invite Nyle to do?
(a) Go with her to the 4-H exhibit.
(b) Stay and spin the wool.
(c) Spend the night so they can watch a movie.
(d) Make a cake.
15. What does Mrs. Trent do when she comes into the room where Nyla and Ezra are?
(a) Mrs. Trent starts crying.
(b) Mrs. Trent kisses her son and says a prayer for him.
(c) Mrs. Trent tells Nyla Ezra is actually her nephew.
(d) Mrs. Trent lays her hand on Nyla's head and blesses her.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Ezra say he feels like?
2. Where has Mrs. Haskins been?
3. What does Nyla do with her mask after talking with Gran?
4. What does Ezra do when Nyle goes to pull back the window curtain.
5. What is different about Muncie?
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