Philip Hall Likes Me, I Reckon Maybe Test | Final Test - Easy

Bette Greene
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Philip Hall Likes Me, I Reckon Maybe Test | Final Test - Easy

Bette Greene
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Beth say Philip likes to refer to himself as?
(a) Mountain Man.
(b) King of the Mountain.
(c) Tarzan.
(d) Hercules.

2. What does Beth is the only way Mr. Putterham can make them leave?
(a) By shooting at them.
(b) By saying something funny.
(c) By paying them.
(d) By phoning the police.

3. How did Beth's sister help her with her vegetable stand?
(a) She painted the sign.
(b) She encouraged her.
(c) She planted the vegetables.
(d) She lent her money.

4. Where does Beth find Philip?
(a) On the beach.
(b) In the long grass.
(c) In the pine forest.
(d) In the caves.

5. Why does Dr. Brennen say he is so impressed with Beth?
(a) She works very hard.
(b) She won a writing competition.
(c) She was brave during the theft of the turkeys.
(d) She always laughs even in badtimes.

6. How did Luther help Beth with her vegetable stand?
(a) He repaired her cart.
(b) He made her coffee.
(c) He planted the vegetables.
(d) He painted her sign.

7. Who is the friend in the name?
(a) Dr. Brennan.
(b) Philip.
(c) Eugene.
(d) Bonnie.

8. What does the Tiger Hinters' Club note challenge the Pretty Pennies to?
(a) A relay race.
(b) A weighing contest.
(c) A swimming race.
(d) A writing contest.

9. What is the title of Chapter 5?
(a) Bad Mr. Puterham.
(b) The Pretty Pennies Picket.
(c) The Challenge.
(d) Give Back the Money.

10. Where does Beth look for Philip?
(a) The mountains.
(b) The river.
(c) The lake.
(d) The caves.

11. What do Beth and the others form at the front of Mr. Putterham's store?
(a) A circle.
(b) A troop line.
(c) A picket line.
(d) A square dance.

12. What does Beth say they should challenge the Tiger Hunter's Club to?
(a) A wrestle.
(b) A relay race.
(c) A horse race.
(d) Three legged race.

13. What does Beth decide to call her vegetable stand?
(a) Elizath Lorraine Lambert and Friend.
(b) Lambert's Fruit and Veg.
(c) Beth and Phil's Juicy Veg.
(d) Veggies for Veggies.

14. What event is the Old Rugged Cross Church holding?
(a) A picnic.
(b) A buffet.
(c) A swimming gala.
(d) A bike ride.

15. What is the name of the county where Beth lives?
(a) Jefferson County.
(b) Jackson County.
(c) Randolph County.
(d) Border County.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Beth angry at Philip in Chapter 4?

2. What has Philip eaten from the stock?

3. What is marked on the red pick-up truck?

4. What does Beth recall seeing a picture of in the Saturday Evening Post?

5. Who suggests the Pretty Pennies need a new President?

(see the answer keys)

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