The Phantom Tollbooth Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Norton Juster
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Phantom Tollbooth Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Norton Juster
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the watchdog wind himself?
(a) He doesn't wind himself.
(b) He asks Milo for help.
(c) With his hind leg.
(d) With his front leg.

2. Where were the babies known as Rhyme and Reason found?
(a) In a field.
(b) Under the porch.
(c) Under the grape arbor.
(d) In a meadow.

3. What was Faintly Macabre's official title?
(a) Witch of Honor.
(b) Faintly Which.
(c) Which Witch.
(d) Official Which.

4. What three words does Milo choose to buy in the marketplace?
(a) Quagmire, flabbergast and utterly.
(b) Quagmire, flabbergast and unbelievable.
(c) Quagmire, flabbergast and upholstery.
(d) Quagmire, flabbergast and upon.

5. What is Faintly Macabre's relationship to the king?
(a) She's his sister.
(b) She's his mother.
(c) She's his grandmother.
(d) She's his great-aunt.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Alec Bings keep crashing into as they run through the forest?

2. What word does Milo ask the Spelling Bee to spell?

3. What is the old lady doing in the prison cell?

4. What does Milo discover everyone talks about when King Azaz calls for speeches?

5. What does the creature that Milo meets after the Spelling Bee use to try to hit the Spelling Bee?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was the job of Faintly Macabre before she was imprisoned?

2. What does Milo think when he realizes that he has a surprise present?

3. When Milo, Tock and Humbug arrive on the island, Milo asks a man, "Where are we?" What question does the man ask Milo?

4. What does Milo say about making another trip?

5. How does Milo get from King Azaz's dining room to the market square?

6. How does the demon of insecurity describe himself?

7. What is the purpose of the Word Market?

8. What disadvantage does Alec Bings say Milo has because he grows upward?

9. When Milo and King Azaz are talking, Humbug constantly adds his own comments. Who does the Humbug agree with?

10. What happens to the sign and the roads to Digitopolis when the Dodecahedron spins it around?

(see the answer keys)

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