The Phantom Tollbooth Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Norton Juster
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Phantom Tollbooth Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Norton Juster
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Faintly Macabre's story, what was the decision rendered by Rhyme and Reason on the question posed to them by their brothers?
(a) That both darkness and light are important.
(b) That both Dictionopolis and Digitopolis are important.
(c) That both numbers and words are important.
(d) That both nouns and verbs are important.

2. What does the floating boy say an elephant would think of a bucket of water?
(a) That it's a place to get a drink.
(b) That it's home.
(c) That it's just a bucket of water.
(d) That it's an ocean.

3. What does Milo suggest as a way for King Azaz to address the problem of guests rushing out after the banquet?
(a) Send for help.
(b) Offer a reward.
(c) Allow Rhyme and Reason to return.
(d) Pass a law.

4. What special gift does the floating boy have besides walking above the ground?
(a) He can see a person's thoughts.
(b) He can read minds.
(c) He can see only things below him.
(d) He can see through things.

5. Who are the creatures Milo discovers when he arrives at the Doldrums?
(a) The Little People.
(b) The Doldrumites.
(c) The Lethargians.
(d) The Whether People.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the floating boy say happens to a person who grows with their feet in the air?

2. When Milo says he can't sing, tell songs, juggle or tumble, what does the King say?

3. What three words does Milo choose to buy in the marketplace?

4. Where does Milo learn that words come from?

5. How does the watchdog wind himself?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Milo say it took him so long to arrive at the Castle in the Air to rescue Rhyme and Reason?

2. When Milo, Tock and Humbug arrive on the island, Milo asks a man, "Where are we?" What question does the man ask Milo?

3. As guest of honor at the banquet at the Royal Palace, what does Milo discover he's supposed to do?

4. How do the Princesses, Rhyme and Reason, come to live in the kingdom?

5. What does the Humbug say about learning to spell?

6. What three roles does Officer Shrift play after the incident in the Word Market?

7. Describe King Azaz the Unabridged.

8. What is the chief duty of Rhyme and Reason?

9. When Milo and King Azaz are talking, Humbug constantly adds his own comments. Who does the Humbug agree with?

10. Describe the Triple Demons of Compromise.

(see the answer keys)

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