Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace Test | Final Test - Easy

Terry Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace Test | Final Test - Easy

Terry Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who attacks Qui-Gon and Anakin on their way back to the Queen's ship?
(a) Darth Maul
(b) Watto
(c) Rodian
(d) Sebulba

2. From what does the Gungan shield protect them?
(a) from large weapons fire
(b) from physical assault
(c) from any laser fire
(d) from missles from the space fleet

3. How long does it take for sovereignty to be fully returned to Naboo?
(a) a month
(b) six days
(c) three days
(d) two weeks

4. What is the final result of the fight between Qui-Gon and Darth Maul?
(a) Darth Maul is taken prisoner
(b) Darth Maul is killed
(c) Qui-Gon is killed
(d) Obi-Wan is killed

5. How does Jar Jar end up on top of an enemy tank?
(a) he flew off the ballon
(b) his mount his killed
(c) he crawled up to destroy the tank
(d) he was taken prisoner

6. What happens in the hanger when the droid guards are all killed?
(a) Padmy is shot
(b) Anakin kills a hidden droid
(c) the starfighters take off towards space
(d) the Queen leaves for her throne

7. Who comes in the hanger as Padmy and her troops are going towards the exit?
(a) Nute Gunray
(b) Darth Sidious
(c) Boss Nuss
(d) Darth Maul

8. What did the Senate decide what to do about Naboo?
(a) send Senatorial troops
(b) delay dealing with it
(c) boycott the Federation
(d) kick the Federation out of the Senate

9. What does Obi-Wan insist to Qui-Gon about Anakin?
(a) Anakin should be trained
(b) Anakin should not go to Naboo
(c) Anakin is dangerous
(d) Anakin should return to his mother

10. Why did Watto say his bet with Qui-gon wasn't fair?
(a) he said he was losing more than he gained
(b) he said Anakin cheated
(c) Qui-Gon "knew" Anakin would win
(d) he said Qui-Gon cheated

11. How is Obi-Wan blocked from fighting?
(a) by a platoon of droids
(b) by a mind field
(c) by a laser field
(d) by a starfighter

12. Why did Anakin fight with Rodian?
(a) he called him a cheater
(b) he called his mother a name
(c) he slapped him
(d) he made comments about Padmy

13. Where do Padmy and her troops go from the hanger?
(a) the swamp
(b) to the Federation battleship
(c) the palace
(d) the Queen's cruiser

14. Why can't Qui-Gon train Anakin himself?
(a) they need Qui-Gon to join the council
(b) he already has an apprentice
(c) they want Anakin to be retested in a year
(d) the Council doesn't trust Qui-gon

15. How does Anakin feel about the city planet of Coruscant?
(a) depressed
(b) angry
(c) overwhelmed
(d) excited

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Anakin hide while the others are taking over the hanger?

2. What does Anakin do when Yoda presses him about his mother?

3. What does Senator Palpatine counsel the Queen to do if the Senate defers judgment on Naboo?

4. On the ship with whom does Anakin make friends?

5. How does the Queen's ship get away from the Sith Lord?

(see the answer keys)

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