Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Terry Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Terry Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do the three enter Otoh Gunga?
(a) by an airlock
(b) through a gelatin bubble
(c) through a water door
(d) through a pressurized hatch

2. How does Qui-Gon convince Watto to go along with his plan?
(a) he said he would become a slave
(b) he put the Queen's cruiser up as collateral
(c) he said he'd tell the Hutt about Watto's activities
(d) he said Padmy would become a slave

3. Who rescues the Queen?
(a) her personal guards
(b) her security chief
(c) the Jedi and Jar Jar
(d) the Gungan

4. What do Kitster and Wald want Anakin to do with him?
(a) sneak onto a ship leaving the planet
(b) come to their house to play video games
(c) get a ruby bliel
(d) go to dinner

5. Of what is Anakin's house made?
(a) mud and sand
(b) wood
(c) concrete
(d) plastic

6. What kind of dream does Anakin have the night before the Podrace?
(a) a informative dream
(b) prophetic
(c) happy dream
(d) he has no dream

7. Where does Jar Jar lead Obi and Qui?
(a) into dry woods
(b) to a large lake
(c) to the middle of the swamp
(d) to the capital of Naboo

8. Who owns the shop where Qui-Gon goes to for spare parts?
(a) Nakik
(b) Watto
(c) Hutto
(d) Sabulla

9. What kind of make-up is on the Queen's face?
(a) black and red paint
(b) white powder
(c) purple powder
(d) none

10. What is the name of Tatooine's major city?
(a) Huttatooie
(b) Nok Tooie
(c) Mos Espa
(d) Hutts Espa

11. Why has the Captain of the Queen's cruiser put it into a spin?
(a) to go through a small space
(b) to keep the inertia dampeners working
(c) to practice maneuvers
(d) to foil the Federation ships' guidance systems

12. What was the results of Qui-Gon's test of Anakin's blood?
(a) he has more midi-chlorians than Yoda
(b) he is too young to be a Jedi
(c) he has about the same midi-chlorians as Obi-Wan
(d) he has no midi-chlorians

13. Who is Sio Bibble?
(a) the head of the queen's troops
(b) the queen's mouthpiece
(c) a Jedi knight on Naboo
(d) the prime minister of Naboo

14. What does the old pilot tell Anakin and his friends about one of his trips?
(a) he was a smuggler
(b) he once flew Jedi knights somewhere
(c) he was a pirate
(d) he flew for the empire's military

15. How is Queen Amidala seen to be by most people?
(a) talented and well trained
(b) spoiled rich woman
(c) not very smart, but nice
(d) stubborn and angry

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Padmy find out that makes her fear for the race results?

2. Why would the Captain of the Queen's cruiser stay close to a Federation battleship?

3. How does Anakin Skywalker feel in his race vehicle?

4. Why can't Qui-Gon sleep at Anakin's house?

5. How does Padmy feel about Qui-Gon's plan for making money?

(see the answer keys)

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