Phantastes Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Phantastes Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Anodos leaves the island and arrives in a rocky country, from what structure does Anodos hear the sound of a clanging anvil?
(a) A cave.
(b) A stable.
(c) A tower.
(d) A cottage.

2. After Anodos kills his giant, where does he see the other two giants?
(a) Advancing on him.
(b) Lying on the grass.
(c) Running away.
(d) They have disappeared.

3. Who or what accompanies Anodos inside the tower to which the knight leads him?
(a) The shadow.
(b) The knight.
(c) The young boy who warned Anodos.
(d) Anodos' horse.

4. After Anodos leaves the tower and starts off on a new journey through the forest, what is the horse of the knight with the rusty armor pulling?
(a) One of the three giants.
(b) A slain dragon.
(c) A marble figure.
(d) The Ash tree.

5. What do Anodos and the two brothers leave behind when they go to battle the three giants as the giants approach the tower?
(a) Their armor.
(b) Their horses.
(c) Their anvil.
(d) Their weapons.

Short Answer Questions

1. What instrument does Anodos acquire from one of the dancers In the crimson hall as Anodos sings to make the white lady appear?

2. What type of animal attacks Anodos at the ceremony he and the knight are observing?

3. What does Cosmo worry about when the lady in the mirror doesn't appear?

4. What does Anodos see when he looks into the hole?

5. What surrounds Anodos' burial site?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Anodos demonstrate immaturity when he touches the white lady on her pedestal?

2. What desire of Anodos does the knight who leads him to the tower represent?

3. How does Anodos' journey into the abyss mirror his frame of mind?

4. As Anodos remains in the tower to which the knight has led him, what does Anodos' dream of returning home represent?

5. Compare Anodos' experiences in Fairy Land with the experiences of Cosmo, a character in one of his stories.

6. Why does Anodos throw himself from the cliff into the water after he comes out of the tunnel?

7. Although little is known about Anodos' family, what speculation can be made about Anodos' father and brothers after Anodos meets the two brothers inside the tower?

8. What is Anodos learning that he needs to do to acquire what he wants in Fairy Land?

9. What does Anodos sense about the meaning of Cosmo's story while he reads it?

10. How will Anodos' battle with the two brothers he met inside the tower against the three giants help Anodos deal with the circumstances surrounding his father and brothers?

(see the answer keys)

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