Peter Pan Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Peter Pan Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Smee loosens the bonds of his captive upon reaching the shore where Peter Pan and the others had seen the mermaid, what does the captive do?
(a) Slips away
(b) Takes Smee captive
(c) Fights with Smee
(d) Jumps into the water

2. What does Peter Pan do with the eggs he removes from a bird's nest?
(a) Places them in a pirate's hat
(b) Carries them to shore
(c) Eats them
(d) Throws them at Captain Hook

3. What does Smee plan to do with his captive when he reaches the shore where Peter Pan and the others had seen the mermaid?
(a) Feed the captive to the crocodile
(b) Drown the captive
(c) Leave the captive on Marooner's Rock
(d) Give the captive to the mermaid

4. Why is there someone willing to watch over the boys' home following the run in between Peter Pan and Captain Hook?
(a) Because Peter Pan assigned a watch
(b) Because Peter Pan rescued Tiger Lily from the pirates
(c) Because Peter Pan brought Wendy to Neverland
(d) Because Captain Hook ordered Smee to be certain the boys did not leave

5. What disguise does Peter Pan don as he prepares to fight Captain Hook?
(a) A pirate's hat
(b) Wendy's cloak
(c) None, he simply hides
(d) Feathers

Short Answer Questions

1. How are Wendy, John and Michael to return home?

2. What is Wendy's reaction to Smee's comment about mothers?

3. What weapons do the Lost Boys pick up after they're freed?

4. What are the reactions of John and Michael to Wendy's story?

5. How does Captain Hook attempt to poison Peter Pan?

Short Essay Questions

1. What noise does Peter Pan make to confuse Captain Hook just before he rescues the children? What is Captain Hook's reaction to the sound? What are the boys' reaction?

2. What does Peter Pan say about his mother? How does Peter Pan explain what he saw when he returned to the home he remembered?

3. Does Peter Pan seem to realize the level of Tinkerbell's devotion after she drinks the poison? Why or why not?

4. Describe the lengths to which Wendy takes her role as mother to the lost boys.

5. Compare the role Wendy accepts to the role Peter Pan seems to want for himself. What is it about the situation that leaves both feeling that the other is not living up to expectations? What are their reactions?

6. Following the pirate attack, the Lost Boys talk of how frightened they are without Peter. What does this say about the relationship between Peter and the boys? Is this a fulfilling relationship on all sides?

7. How does Captain Hook react when he realizes that he cannot beat Peter Pan at a sword fight?

8. Compare Peter Pan's commitment to the life he has chosen in Neverland to that of the boys. Compare Peter Pan's commitment to this life to that of his role as "father" of the boys.

9. What does Smee say about mothers? What is Wendy's reaction? Why does Wendy respond in this manner?

10. How does Peter arm the Lost Boys? How does he hide on deck?

(see the answer keys)

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