Peter Pan Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Peter Pan Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Peter Pan and Wendy are stranded by the rising tide, how does Wendy escape?
(a) She catches hold of a kite's tail.
(b) She flies.
(c) Peter Pan carries her.
(d) She swims.

2. How does Tinkerbell save Peter Pan from the poison?
(a) She sprinkles fairy dust on it.
(b) She tells him of Hook's plan.
(c) She drinks it herself.
(d) She pours it out.

3. What happens each time Hook sends a pirate into his quarters as the showdown with Peter Pan draws near?
(a) The pirates die.
(b) The pirates return without finding the item.
(c) The pirates refuse to go in, prompting Hook to kill them.
(d) The pirate cries and runs away.

4. Where are Wendy and the boys taken after the pirates capture them?
(a) To Captain Hook's ship
(b) To a fishing hut
(c) To Marooner's Rock
(d) To the Indian village

5. What is Smee using for transportation when he approaches the shore where Peter Pan, Wendy and the boys had been standing?
(a) Fairy dust
(b) A large ship
(c) A dinghy
(d) An Indian canoe

6. What is Peter Pan's reaction when Wendy asks him to take them home?
(a) He tells her to wait before she decides.
(b) He asks her to take the boys with her.
(c) He is happy and wants to go along.
(d) He is angry.

7. What final action does Captain Hook take upon knowing that he has been beaten?
(a) He falls on his own sword.
(b) He cries for mercy.
(c) He jumps into the water where the crocodile is waiting.
(d) He blows up the ship.

8. When Peter Pan and Wendy are stranded by the rising tide, how does Peter Pan escape?
(a) He holds to a kite's tail.
(b) He sails to shore in a bird's nest.
(c) He flies.
(d) He swims.

9. As children react to Peter's call, what happens to Tinkerbell?
(a) Her light turns green.
(b) Her light turns blue.
(c) Her light dims.
(d) Her light brightens.

10. What option does Hook offer two of the boys?
(a) To save themselves by turning over Peter Pan
(b) To save themselves by becoming Indians
(c) To be the first to walk the plank
(d) To save themselves by becoming cabin boys

11. What disguise does Peter Pan don as he prepares to fight Captain Hook?
(a) Wendy's cloak
(b) Feathers
(c) A pirate's hat
(d) None, he simply hides

12. How does Captain Hook attempt to poison Peter Pan?
(a) By pouring poison into Peter's medicine
(b) By pouring poison on Peter's dagger
(c) By pouring poison into Peter's mouth
(d) By putting poison on Peter's fork and plate

13. What assurance does Peter Pan ask of Wendy that disappoints Wendy?
(a) That they are only pretending that he is the father
(b) That he does not have to read stories
(c) That he does not have to go to bed
(d) That she will go with him to fight the pirates

14. What proof are children asked to give that they believe in fairies?
(a) Throwing fairy dust
(b) Ringing a bell
(c) Shouting
(d) Clapping their hands

15. What makes John and Michael refuse to become pirates?
(a) They must denounce the king.
(b) They must fight Peter Pan.
(c) They must fight the Indians.
(d) They must make Wendy walk the plank.

Short Answer Questions

1. What rock are Wendy and Peter Pan sitting on right after seeing the mermaid?

2. What does Peter Pan do when Wendy and the others have left?

3. What sign does Peter say the Indians will use to note they have won the battle with the pirates?

4. What objection do some of the boys have to becoming pirates?

5. What does Peter Pan do once Tinkerbell has recovered?

(see the answer keys)

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