Peter the Great: His Life and World Test | Final Test - Medium

Robert K. Massie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Peter the Great: His Life and World Test | Final Test - Medium

Robert K. Massie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. St. Petersburg expanded from Petrograd Island onto the mainland, then downstream to where?
(a) Dekabristov Island.
(b) Goloday Island.
(c) Vasilevsky Island.
(d) Decembrist's Island.

2. Which vast Ottoman Empire situation was surveyed in Chapter 40?
(a) Lithuanian.
(b) Russian.
(c) Swedish.
(d) Turkish.

3. Chapter 45 showed Charles XII held in Adrianople for how long while Turkey and Russia concluded peace?
(a) Eight months.
(b) Sixteen months.
(c) Twenty months.
(d) Twelve months.

4. How soon after Goertz went to Charles XII about having negotiated with Norway without authorization did Charles die?
(a) Ten days.
(b) Four days.
(c) Seven days.
(d) One day.

5. Largely due to Peter Tolstoy's diplomacy, which group remained out of the Northern War?
(a) Turks.
(b) Sweden.
(c) Denmark.
(d) Russia.

Short Answer Questions

1. What transpired after a broken Alexis was condemned to death?

2. What happened to Swedish prisoners of war?

3. Charles XII hoped to ally with Hetman Mazeppa, the Cossack who had been waiting for an opportunity to win independence for ___________.

4. Seeking to restore old Moscow, Charles XII takes a direct thrust at Russia's heart rather than first restoring which sea?

5. Why was it that Peter's 1717 visit to France yielded no diplomatic fruit?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why did Peter never have to simultaneously fight two enemies?

2. What sort of life did Catherine originate from?

3. Why did Charles XII turn south in mid-September and send General Anders Lagercrona's vanguard ahead?

4. What took place in the Great Audience Hall in Moscow on February 3, 1718?

5. What did Chapter 42, "Fifty Blows on the Pruth," take its title from?

6. Throughout Peter's reign, why was he seen as constantly moving?

7. How did Peter compare with his son, Alexis?

8. Why did the author use the phrase "a place of carnage" to describe the battlefield at Poltava?

9. What was Peter's response when he learned of the death of Charles XII?

10. St. Petersburg came about in what fashion?

(see the answer keys)

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