Peter the Great: His Life and World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert K. Massie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Peter the Great: His Life and World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robert K. Massie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Peter's passion for sailing began when he and his tutor found, refurbished, and took a boat out on what lake?
(a) Pervomaysk.
(b) Preobrazhenskoe.
(c) Pleschev.
(d) Pavlovsk.

2. In Chapter 25, Peter attacked a 13th-century Estonian seaport fortress that was defended by how many men?
(a) 1,500.
(b) 700.
(c) 1,100.
(d) 1,900.

3. The Streltsy mobilized against rumors that Peter would kill whom in Chapter 8?
(a) Sophia, Prince Golitsyn.
(b) Sophia, Eudoxia.
(c) Prince Golitsyn, Ivan.
(d) Ivan, Sophia.

4. What title of Chapter 19 encapsulated Russian punishment methods?
(a) "Fire and Rope".
(b) "Fire and Death".
(c) "Fire and Brimstone".
(d) "Fire and Knout."

5. Peter was concerned by the loss at Narva, but he spared nothing to outfit and train his new army under whom?
(a) Brutus Sheremetev.
(b) Markus Sheremetev.
(c) Alexis Sheremetev.
(d) Boris Sheremetev.

6. Peter could be easily identified and thronged until he was set up securely in which dockyard?
(a) Netherlands Nautical, Ltd.
(b) East India Company.
(c) Rotterdam Naval Shipyard.
(d) Amserdam Shipping Company.

7. In Chapter 9, Peter was shown enjoying his freedom for how many more years?
(a) One.
(b) Three.
(c) Seven.
(d) Five.

8. Which friend did Peter bury In March, 1699?
(a) Lefort.
(b) Korb.
(c) Gordon.
(d) Vinius.

9. How many Dutch specialists and officers did the "Great Embassy" send to Russia?
(a) 460.
(b) 560.
(c) 640.
(d) 540.

10. The foes that surrounded Orthodox Russia included Sweden, Poland, the Ottoman Empire, and which other enemy?
(a) China.
(b) Spain.
(c) Morocco.
(d) Great Britain.

11. When did Charles XII launch his surprise campaign against Narva?
(a) Spring.
(b) Winter.
(c) Summer.
(d) Autumn.

12. Eudoxia Lopukhina bore Peter __________ before they were estranged.
(a) Twin sons.
(b) A daughter.
(c) A son.
(d) A son and a daughter.

13. During the period when Peter built a warship, endangered himself with war games and fireworks, and ignored the Kremlin, what almost took his life?
(a) Yellow fever.
(b) Hepatitis.
(c) Malaria.
(d) Dysentery.

14. Leopold I promised not to relinquish gains Peter made at Azov, but he offered no assistance in gaining entry to which sea?
(a) Baltic Sea.
(b) Mediterranean Sea.
(c) Adriatic Sea.
(d) Black Sea.

15. Upset by Sophia, whom did the boyars rally around?
(a) The Naryshkins.
(b) The Nesterovs.
(c) The Nerchinks.
(d) The Natalyas.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Ivan and Peter were crowned as co-tsars, Sophia took over as __________.

2. What happened to Sophia after her inner circle was tortured and Peter refused to see her?

3. Chapter 5 provided background on the "Old Believers" revolt against ritual reforms in the church that dated from ___________.

4. Peter was humiliated across Europe when Swedes broke through what type of defenses that the Russians built at Narva?

5. Whom did Peter tax after his eventual triumph at Azov?

(see the answer keys)

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