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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Why does Louis feel guilty in Chapter 33?
(a) Because he lied to Ellie.
(b) Because Rachel found out he had once cheated on her.
(c) Church kills a rat and Rachel has to clean up the mess.
(d) Because he took off work to attend the funeral.
2. What does Louis believe is missing when he opens the casket?
(a) Gage's body.
(b) Gage's arm.
(c) Gage's head.
(d) A special toy they buried with him,
3. In Chapter 46, who decides to wait up for Louis to return home instead of leaving to go find him?
(a) Jud.
(b) Mr. Goldman.
(c) Ellie.
(d) Rachel.
4. What happened just days after Timmy Baterman's funeral?
(a) Timmy was seen walking around town with strange behavior.
(b) Timmy married a Catholic girl.
(c) Timmy's pet came back to life.
(d) Timmy's dad ran away from home.
5. What makes Rachel think of Gage when she arrives at the first place she stops in Ludlow?
(a) She sees a lot of blood.
(b) Jud was singing a song about Gage.
(c) The cat reminds her of Gage.
(d) She sees tiny, muddy tracks.
Short Answer Questions
1. What time does Louis leave for the Pleasantview Cemetery?
2. How old is Ellie on her birthday in Chapter 34?
3. What scares Jud most about the townsman who was resurrected at the Indian cemetery?
4. What time does Louis actually reach the cement grave liner?
5. What lie does Louis tell his caller?
Short Essay Questions
1. Who misses the family viewing at the funeral home when Gage dies and why?
2. What father-son activity do the Creeds enjoy on March 24, 1984 and why is it so special?
3. Why doesn't Louis drive home after taking his family to the airport and what thoughts does he have while eating dinner at the hotel's restaurant?
4. What is happening with Louis and with Rachel at 11 p.m. in Chapters 47-48? Why does the author report their activities this way?
5. In Chapter 58, what awakens Jud and why is he upset?
6. What will Louis do if Gage is resurrected as some kind of monster? How does he hope that Gage will return to life?
7. What makes Ellie sick during her plane trip? What makes her perk up at the end of the trip?
8. How does Louis feel when he sees Jud comforting Ellie at the funeral in Chapter 41 and why does he feel that way?
9. Using Norma's voice, what does one of the intruders tell Jud about what his wife knows and what his wife did?
10. When Louis first saw the Indian burial ground, he noted all the cairns had been disturbed. As he's burying Gage, the reader learns that Louis has discovered why. Why have the cairns been disturbed and how does Louis know this?
This section contains 882 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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