Pet Sematary Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pet Sematary Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to Jud's dog that he buried in the cemetery?
(a) It returned but was missing a leg.
(b) It returned with a white patch of fur marking where a bullet had entered its head.
(c) it returned but had rabies.
(d) Nothing.

2. Louis thinks of Jud as...
(a) The father he never had.
(b) A big brother figure.
(c) The grandfather he never knew.
(d) A nosey old neighbor.

3. In Chapter 16, who does Louis wake to see standing in his bedroom doorway?
(a) Jud.
(b) Gage.
(c) Victor Pascow.
(d) Rachel.

4. Who is happy about getting the pet fixed?
(a) The pet.
(b) Louis.
(c) Rachel and Ellie.
(d) Jud.

5. How does Rachel learn of the news about the injured jogger?
(a) Through the smalltown grapevine.
(b) On the radio.
(c) On TV.
(d) She had a premonition.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 12, what is Louis working on when he is summoned to an emergency?

2. What does Jud tell Louis to say about the cat's burial?

3. What holiday do the children look forward to in Chapter 20?

4. In Chapter 14, what is Rachel wearing when Louis arrives home after experiencing the emergency on the first day of school?

5. Which family were trappers and traders in the community in the 1800s?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Louis do with the Creed family pet after the truck accident on the busy road?

2. Why does Louis try to quickly clean up any animals that Church kills?

3. What does Jud say the community believed about the Wendigo and what is his own belief?

4. Why doesn't Louis doubt Jud's tale about the evil powers at the Indian burial grounds?

5. Why is Louis reluctant to take Jud up on his offer of a late-night beer?

6. What grudge does Louis hold against his father-in-law and why doesn't the man like Louis?

7. Why did Stanny B know so much about the Micmac Indians?

8. Why doesn't Norma get out of the house more?

9. Why does Louis return home feeling petty after his first visit to Jud's house?

10. What medical emergency does Louis help with on Halloween night?

(see the answer keys)

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