Pet Sematary Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pet Sematary Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Rachel actually see upstairs in Chapter 59?
(a) Jud.
(b) Louis.
(c) Gage.
(d) Steve.

2. Why is Jud worried in Chapter 45?
(a) He is concerned about venereal disease.
(b) He is afraid he'll get caught.
(c) He learned that Louis sent Rachel and Ellie to Chicago.
(d) He is a worrier.

3. While on the plane to Chicago, which character visits Ellie in a dream to tell her something bad is going to happen?
(a) Jud.
(b) Gage.
(c) Paxcow.
(d) Mr. Goldman.

4. Who dies in Chapter 31?
(a) Rachel.
(b) Norma.
(c) Jud.
(d) Gage.

5. Who asks Louis at the airport if he's still mad at his father-in-law?
(a) Gage.
(b) Ellie.
(c) Jud.
(d) Rachel.

6. Who insists in Chapter 45 that something is wrong with Louis?
(a) Mr. Goldman.
(b) Jud.
(c) Gage.
(d) Ellie.

7. Who did not attend the funeral in Chapter 33?
(a) Rachel.
(b) Louis.
(c) Jud.
(d) Norma.

8. Who comforts Ellie at the graveside service in Chapter 41?
(a) Louis.
(b) Gage.
(c) Jud.
(d) Rachel.

9. Why doesn't Louis return home after dropping the family off at the airport?
(a) He never wants to go to that house again.
(b) He needs time to drive around and think.
(c) He wants to see a prostitute.
(d) He's afraid Jud will catch him.

10. What does Louis see when he looks out the window in Chapter 60?
(a) A strange car at Jud's house.
(b) Pascow.
(c) Gage.
(d) Rachel.

11. What car does Louis drive?
(a) An SUV.
(b) Honda Civic hatchback.
(c) Datsun station wagon
(d) A Honda Accord.

12. Where is the first place Rachel goes when she gets back into Ludlow?
(a) Her home.
(b) Jud's house.
(c) To Louis's workplace.
(d) The pet sematary.

13. As Rachel thinks back about Louis taking them to the airport, she becomes frightened when she realizes...
(a) He looked suicidal.
(b) He looked scared. Louis is never scared.
(c) Louis was starting to age.
(d) He did not appear to miss Gage at all.

14. What inspires Rachel to finally discuss the details of her sister's death?
(a) Her parents told her it was time to talk about it.
(b) She felt guilty.
(c) A prostitute.
(d) The father-daughter conversation she overheard between Louis and Ellie.

15. In Chapter 46, who decides to wait up for Louis to return home instead of leaving to go find him?
(a) Ellie.
(b) Jud.
(c) Mr. Goldman.
(d) Rachel.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Rachel think she sees upstairs in Chapter 59?

2. What does Louis believe is missing when he opens the casket?

3. Who is happy that Rachel plans to return to check on Louis?

4. Who phones Louis in Chapter 60?

5. Who notices Louis's car is gone from the house in Chapter 46?

(see the answer keys)

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