Persuasion Test | Final Test - Medium

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Persuasion Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Anne feel about seeing everyone again?
(a) She is excited and happy.
(b) She wishes that Henrietta had not come.
(c) She wishes that Captain Benwick hadn't come
(d) She is overwhelmed by the large crowd.

2. Who has to reconcile herself to the fact that she judged Captain Wentworth wrongly?
(a) Anne
(b) Lady Russell
(c) Mary
(d) Mrs. Clay

3. Admiral Croft asks Anne if she thinks it is a good idea to invite which person to Bath?
(a) Louisa
(b) Captain Wentworth
(c) Captain Benwick
(d) Mary

4. Anne tries to find out what about her father on her second day in Bath?
(a) whether he is happy in Bath
(b) whether he is in debt
(c) whether he now respects Anne more
(d) whether he is in love with Mrs. Clay

5. Anne denies what, when questioned by Mrs. Smith?
(a) Anne and Mr. Elliot intend to marry.
(b) Anne has turned down Captain Wentworth again.
(c) Anne has turned down Mr. Elliot's proposal
(d) Anne and Captain Wentworth intend to marry.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the start of Chapter 17, Anne pays a visit to whom?

2. Anne is overjoyed and glowing over what occurrence?

3. Who does not like Captain Benwick?

4. The Elliots and Mrs. Clay attend a concert held by whom?

5. Captain Wentworth's group sees that Mr. Elliot fancies __________.

(see the answer keys)

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