Persuasion Test | Final Test - Easy

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Persuasion Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mary is glad that Captain Wentworth is marrying Anne, rather than who?
(a) Elizabeth or Mrs. Clay
(b) Henrietta or Louisa
(c) Louisa or Elizabeth
(d) Henrietta or Elizabeth

2. Miss Hamilton is the former name of which person?
(a) Mrs. Musgrove
(b) Mrs. Smith
(c) Mrs. Clay
(d) Lady Russell

3. Who tells SIr Elliot and Elizabeth that they will soon leave?
(a) Lady Russell
(b) Anne
(c) Mr. Elliot
(d) Mrs. Clay

4. Anne receives a very upsetting letter from whom in Chapter 18?
(a) Captain Wentworth
(b) Mary
(c) Louisa
(d) Captain Benwick

5. To what does Mrs. Smith tells Anne that Mr. Elliot led her family?
(a) good health
(b) understanding
(c) wealth
(d) poverty

6. Captain Benwick intends to call on whom soon, according to Charles?
(a) Mary
(b) Anne
(c) Captain Wentworth
(d) Henrietta

7. Elizabeth and Anne's father are excited about who being back in their lives?
(a) Mr. Wentworth
(b) Mary
(c) Mr. Elliot, the heir
(d) Anne

8. Lady Russell tells Anne that which person could not stop talking about Anne at the gathering?
(a) Elizabeth
(b) Sir Elliot
(c) Mr. Elliot
(d) Lady Russell

9. Anne's father and sister disapprove of her going to see __________ instead of accepting the invitation from the royal cousin.
(a) Lady Russell
(b) Louisa
(c) Captain Wentworth
(d) Mrs. Smith

10. Mr. Elliot married his first wife for what reason, according to Mrs. Smith?
(a) love
(b) convenience
(c) because their families forced them to
(d) money

11. After two days at Uppercross, who comes to take Anne to the apartments on the grounds at Kellynch?
(a) Lady Russell
(b) Mr. Croft
(c) Mr. Wentworth
(d) Sir Elliot

12. Everyone in Captain Wentworth's group has good things to say about _________________.
(a) Mr. Elliot
(b) Elizabeth
(c) Captain Wentworth
(d) Anne

13. Admiral Croft asks Anne if she thinks it is a good idea to invite which person to Bath?
(a) Mary
(b) Captain Wentworth
(c) Louisa
(d) Captain Benwick

14. Who had not visited Louisa for months?
(a) Charles
(b) Captain Benwick
(c) Captain Wentworth
(d) Mary

15. At the start of Chapter 17, Anne pays a visit to whom?
(a) Mrs. Woods
(b) Mrs. Smith
(c) Mrs. Harris
(d) Mrs. Jones

Short Answer Questions

1. From whom does the Elliot family receive an invitation?

2. Anne denies what, when questioned by Mrs. Smith?

3. Mr. Elliot told everyone he would be out of town for ______________ but is spotted outside talking to Mrs. Clay?

4. For the first time, Captain Wentworth seems to show what emotion regarding Anne?

5. Anne tries to find out what about her father on her second day in Bath?

(see the answer keys)

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