Persuasion Test | Final Test - Easy

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Persuasion Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Anne feel about the way the Crofts have kept her former home?
(a) They seem to be neglecting a few things, but it looks mostly good.
(b) They are doing a horrible job keeping it up.
(c) She has no real opinion on it.
(d) Nobody could have kept it up better.

2. Lady Russell strongly approves of whom?
(a) Elizabeth
(b) Sir Elliot
(c) Mrs. Clay
(d) Mr. Elliot

3. Anne apologizes to Captain Wentworth for _____________________________.
(a) suspecting him of lying to her
(b) breaking their engagement years ago
(c) being unable to marry him now
(d) lying to him

4. Mr. Elliot told everyone he would be out of town for ______________ but is spotted outside talking to Mrs. Clay?
(a) business
(b) to visit a sick friend
(c) for a vacation
(d) to visit his cousin

5. Who does not like Captain Benwick?
(a) Charles
(b) Anne
(c) Lady Russell
(d) Mary

6. Which holiday is fast approaching in Chapter 14?
(a) Christmas
(b) Thanksgiving
(c) New Years
(d) Easter

7. Admiral Croft asks Anne if she thinks it is a good idea to invite which person to Bath?
(a) Louisa
(b) Mary
(c) Captain Benwick
(d) Captain Wentworth

8. Mr. Elliot asks Anne to _____________________________.
(a) translate an Italian song
(b) translate an Italian poem
(c) translate a French poem
(d) translate a French song

9. Who arrives to escort Anne back from the rainy walk?
(a) Sir Elliot
(b) Captain Benwick
(c) Charles
(d) Mr. Elliot

10. Anne thinks that Captain Wentworth never really loved which person?
(a) Henrietta
(b) Mary
(c) Anne
(d) Louisa

11. How does Anne feel about seeing everyone again?
(a) She wishes that Captain Benwick hadn't come
(b) She wishes that Henrietta had not come.
(c) She is overwhelmed by the large crowd.
(d) She is excited and happy.

12. After two days at Uppercross, who comes to take Anne to the apartments on the grounds at Kellynch?
(a) Mr. Croft
(b) Sir Elliot
(c) Mr. Wentworth
(d) Lady Russell

13. Anne receives a very upsetting letter from whom in Chapter 18?
(a) Louisa
(b) Captain Benwick
(c) Captain Wentworth
(d) Mary

14. Everyone in Captain Wentworth's group has good things to say about _________________.
(a) Mr. Elliot
(b) Elizabeth
(c) Anne
(d) Captain Wentworth

15. Elizabeth is shocked by __________________________.
(a) Lady Russell approving of Anne's engagement.
(b) Mrs Clay betraying her.
(c) Mr. Elliot leaving town.
(d) Anne getting married.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who do Charles and Mary call on soon after their return?

2. Elizabeth and Anne's father are excited about who being back in their lives?

3. Who is mourning the death of his fiancé?

4. Frederick and Anne run into each other and Frederick offers Anne ______________.

5. Everyone thinks that Anne is Ill after what happens?

(see the answer keys)

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