Persuasion Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Persuasion Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who plans to bring Anne to stay with them until they travel on to Bath?
(a) the Crofts
(b) Louisa
(c) Henrietta
(d) Lady Russell

2. How do Anne's nephews feel about Anne?
(a) They respect her more than they respect their own mother.
(b) They are very disrespectful of her.
(c) They ignore her.
(d) They take advantage of her kindness.

3. Halfway back to the cottage, everyone meets ____________ riding in a buggy.
(a) the Hardy's
(b) the Crofts
(c) the Musgroves
(d) the Elliots

4. Whom does Sir Walter Elliot refuse to marry?
(a) Elizabeth
(b) Louisa
(c) Henrietta
(d) Mary

5. Mary wonders if the visitor will be Frederick or ____________.
(a) Harold
(b) William
(c) Edward
(d) Arthur

6. The first application to rent is from someone in what sort of profession?
(a) lawyer
(b) writer
(c) doctor
(d) naval officer

7. Who is going to find a family to rent the home?
(a) Lady Russell
(b) Miss Andrews
(c) Mr. Raymond
(d) Mr. Shepherd

8. The group meets which gentlemen on the beach two days after they arrive?
(a) Sir Elliot
(b) Sir Elliot's heir
(c) Mr. Hargrove
(d) Mr. Hooper

9. Who believes that nursing is work only for women?
(a) Anne
(b) Charles
(c) Lady Russell
(d) Mary

10. Who decides to take Henrietta and Mary home?
(a) Captain Wentworth
(b) Anne
(c) Captain Benwick
(d) Charles

11. Anne is increasingly more nervous about what event?
(a) moving to Bath
(b) staying with Mary
(c) visiting Lady Russell
(d) seeing Mr. Wentworth again

12. Who reminds Anne of her younger self?
(a) Mrs. Clay
(b) Elizabeth
(c) Lady Russell
(d) Miss Musgrove

13. Who does not even remember Anne's connection to Frederick?
(a) Lady Russell and Sir Elliot
(b) Sir Elliot and Elizabeth
(c) Sir Elliot and Mary
(d) Mary and Elizabeth

14. What is Mary's mother-in-law's last name?
(a) Groveland
(b) Grover
(c) Musgrove
(d) Hargrove

15. Where does Captain Wentworh's sister invite him to stay?
(a) Kellynch
(b) Uppercross
(c) Hazelton
(d) Lowercross

Short Answer Questions

1. Sir Elliot's youngest daughter is which one?

2. The story opens by introducing this person.

3. Who fills the role of lady of the house since Mrs. Elliot's death?

4. How does Charles handle the children?

5. Anne was courted by a man who later married whom?

(see the answer keys)

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