Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who finds the sword that Joan uses in battle?
(a) Charles VII.
(b) The Paladin.
(c) Louis.
(d) Metz.

2. What time does Joan's assault on Jargeau begin?
(a) 12:00 noon.
(b) 8:00 am.
(c) 10:00 am.
(d) 2:00 pm.

3. How do the other Generals plan to treat the orders of Joan?
(a) They are under contract to do what she says.
(b) They will convince her to do things her way.
(c) They will follow them when they want to.
(d) They will pay her and her orders no heed.

4. Who does Joan share a room with?
(a) Meridith.
(b) Yolande.
(c) Catherine.
(d) Louis.

5. What day is Joan captured?
(a) May 14th.
(b) May 24th.
(c) March 14th.
(d) March 24th.

6. How many times does Joan try to escape after she is captured?
(a) 2.
(b) 8.
(c) 4.
(d) 6.

7. What causes the English to surrender as Charles VII heads to Rheims?
(a) A promise of payment by the king.
(b) A bugler.
(c) The sight of Joan.
(d) A truce.

8. What weapon causes Joan's first battle injury?
(a) Sword.
(b) Crossbow.
(c) Arrow.
(d) Stones.

9. Where does Joan want to see the Dauphine crowned?
(a) Paris.
(b) Domremy.
(c) Rheims.
(d) Orleans.

10. What is Catherine's last name?
(a) Blancier.
(b) Blancher.
(c) Bouncier.
(d) Boucher.

11. What does the Council of Charles VII tell Joan to do in Chapter 22?
(a) Rotate some of her troops.
(b) Stop fighting.
(c) Press forward with more aggression.
(d) Return home.

12. Where is Joan's first English trial held?
(a) Royen.
(b) Rowen.
(c) Rouen.
(d) Rougen.

13. Where do Joan's soldiers secure a bridge after the victory at Jargeau?
(a) Meung.
(b) Maunge.
(c) Mengua.
(d) Mangue.

14. What happens to the army after they are stopped during the first siege after the coronation?
(a) They are taken prisoner.
(b) They are scattered.
(c) They are disbanded.
(d) They all desert the cause.

15. Which of the following is NOT one of the charges brought against Joan in the private trial?
(a) Threatening her troops with death.
(b) Not submitting to the church.
(c) Wedding unofficially.
(d) Wearing male clothing.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Dunois' nickname?

2. What is Joan accused of by the English?

3. How many soldiers are with Joan when she is captured?

4. Who writes a poem for the girl the Paladin is in love with?

5. What is the only thing Joan asks of Charles after he is crowned?

(see the answer keys)

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