Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Grant appointed ______________ commander of the cavalry, believing that body of the military had been underutilized to that point.

2. Grant described the men posted at the edge of the river at Chattanooga and said they were accustomed to seeing what?

3. Grant described the condition of Union troops as he arrived at Chattanooga. He said that they had little wood available to them and their clothing was insufficient for the coming winter, but that there was no way to get supplies in until when?

4. Each man carried ________ days' supply of food in addition to what was being hauled. As a wagon was emptied, it returned to a base camp where it was again filled with the same load and returned to the army camps.

5. Grant wrote a lengthy letter outlining a new plan to move all the Union troops how?

Short Essay Questions

1. How were trenches important in the Battle of the Wilderness? How were they also imperfect?

2. How important was slavery to the turmoil and eventual war between the states, according to Grant.

3. What does Grant note about both the battle at Cold Harbor and Vicksburg? Why does he say this?

4. What did Grant think about this new campaign involving all the troops? Why?

5. How did Grant believe his men and General Meade's men should catch up to Lee and his men? Why?

6. At the surrender of the Confederates, the Union men were energized. Why? Should they have been?

7. When Lee's troops were discovered, what was learned about Lee and his men?

8. What happened when Grant requested from Lee that a temporary truce take place to remove the dead and wounded? Why did this happen?

9. Why did Lee ask about terms for surrender? Are you surprised by this?

10. What significant event happened soon after Grant was promoted to Lieutenant General of the Union Army? How was this significant?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Grant witnesses a duel.

Part 1) Describe this duel. Why does Grant discuss this duel? How is he affected by witnessing this duel? What does this reflection on this duel reveal about Grant?

Part 2) At what other times does Grant reflect upon the events taking place around him? Why does he reflect on these events? What do these reflections reveal about him?

Part 3) When have you reflected on past events? How were these events important? How did these events impact your life?

Essay Topic 2

When Lincoln called for volunteers, Grant joined.

Part 1) Why did Grant join the military again? What does his reasoning reveal about him? Does this reveal a change in Grant? Why or why not? Would you be so willing to volunteer? Why or why not?

Part 2) Describe the beginning of the war from Grant's perspective. What can be learned about the Civil War by reading this book? What can be learned about Americans at this time by viewing life from Grant's point of view?

Part 3) How did the war progress? What tactics were used that led to an ultimate Union victory? How was Grant important in this victory? Could the Union have won without Grant? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 3

Grant came from an encouraging family.

Part 1) How was he encouraged as a child and young adult? How did he feel about this encouragement?

Part 2) How different might Grant's life have been if his parents had not had high hopes for him? How might we all have been affected by this?

Part 3) How have you been encouraged in your own life? How has this influenced your life? How might this affect how you would influence your own children?

(see the answer keys)

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