Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Ulysses S. Grant's mother was ______________ and her family was from Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, and he knew little about her parentage.

2. What does Grant say about a fight at Molino del Rey?

3. The assault on the town that is the answer to #82 resulted in ______________ losses.

4. Who taunted Grant?

5. The move was prompted, in part, by the proximity of whom?

Short Essay Questions

1. Grant arrived in San Francisco and said there were many there seeking their fortunes in gold. How might this gold rush still be seen today?

2. In Chapter Twenty-Nine, troops supporting Grant at Corinth were moved out. How did this affect Grant? What might he have thought of this maneuver?

3. Grant talked about the lack of trust the Indians had in the whites. Why did they not trust the white man?

4. Grant asked to be assigned to the cavalry but was assigned to the infantry. What is the difference between these two military groups? Why might he have wanted to be a part of the cavalry?

5. Grant received orders from General Halleck to change his position. Did Grant do this? Why or why not?

6. Grant attended a bull fight. How did he feel about this? Why might he have felt this way?

7. Grant set up a supply depot at Perkins' plantation and described a sense of relief. Why was there a sense of relief?

8. When Lincoln called for volunteers at the start of the Civil War, Grant joined. Why?

9. How does Grant contrast General Scott with General Taylor?

10. Former slaves join up with the army. What were Grant's orders? What does this reveal about him?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Grant made Abraham Lincoln a promise.

Part 1) What was this promise? Why did he make Lincoln this promise? What events led up to this promise?

Part 2) What does the first meeting between Lincoln and Grant reveal about both of these men? How did this initial meeting affect their relationship throughout the rest of the war?

Part 3) What promises have you made in your own life? Why did you make these promises? Have you been able to keep these promises? Why or why not? How difficult were these promises to try to keep? Explain.

Essay Topic 2

Grant was ordered to San Francisco.

Part 1) What was Grant's attitude regarding himself and the city of San Francisco? Why did he feel this way? How was his opinion of himself and his opinion of San Francisco changed after moving to there? How was he affected by these changes?

Part 2) Why might the people of San Francisco treat him they way they did? What does this reveal about the citizens of San Francisco? How was Grant treated by others throughout his life? How does this treatment compare to the treatment he received in San Francisco?

Part 3) Describe a time in which you were treated differently than you had expected to be treated. What was your reaction to this? How did this affect you?

Essay Topic 3

General Lee "set up a white flag."

Part 1) How did the battles described in this book lead to Lee's surrender? What battles were the most significant and had the most impact on this Union victory?

Part 2) What role did Grant play throughout this war? How important was Grant to the Union cause? Explain. Could the north have beaten the south without Grant? Why or why not? Use evidence from this book to support your responses.

Part 3) If Grant were to go back and fight the Civil War all over again, do you believe he would have? What changes might he have made to his various plans? Why? Use the book to support your response.

(see the answer keys)

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