Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Grant and other officers were within full view - and rifle range - of the Confederates one day. Did the enemy shoot at them?
(a) Yes, many times.
(b) Yes, a couple of times.
(c) No, never.
(d) Yes, one time.

2. Why was it important that the Union military take control of this fort?
(a) The fort was filled with Confederate ammunitions.
(b) The fort was frequently a meeting place of high ranking Confederate leaders.
(c) The fort was used as a Confederate hospital.
(d) The fort was a port of great importance to the Confederates.

3. Grant communicated with Lee after a particular stage of the battle, asking that there be a temporary truce. Why?
(a) To discuss peace.
(b) To remove the dead and wounded from the battlefield.
(c) To give the troops a break.
(d) To discuss a possible surrender.

4. Grant pointed out that Lee was careful not to show what?
(a) Any emotion.
(b) His anger.
(c) His face.
(d) His rank.

5. In Chapter 41, Grant toured the area and the first order of business was to do what?
(a) Create a workable supply line.
(b) Recruit more volunteers.
(c) Find a place to camp.
(d) Create more comfortable living conditions for the soldiers.

Short Answer Questions

1. When did Grant first meet Lee?

2. A change in what alerted Grant that there was likely to be a change in tactics, a fact that was soon proven true?

3. In Chapter 53, Grant recommended _____________ of his officers for promotion.

4. Grant described the condition of Union troops as he arrived at Chattanooga. He said that they had little wood available to them and their clothing was insufficient for the coming winter, but that there was no way to get supplies in until when?

5. The ladies had, until Grant received communiqués from his commanders and read them in front of the ladies, believed what?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Grant promise Lincoln? Why did he make this promise?

2. Grant said it appeared Sherman faced no real obstacles but Grant declined celebrating Sherman's victory, saying he did not want to do so until "the victory is assured." What does this reinforce about Grant's personality?

3. What was necessary to cut off supplies to enemy troops? Is this still an important tactic today? Why or why not?

4. Grant outlines troops, their positions and their strengths under specific commanders. What is the reason Grant does this?

5. How were trenches important in the Battle of the Wilderness? How were they also imperfect?

6. When Lee's troops were discovered, what was learned about Lee and his men?

7. Describe the casualties at the Courthouse at Spotsylvania. Did this affect Grant? Why or why not?

8. What does Grant note about both the battle at Cold Harbor and Vicksburg? Why does he say this?

9. What did Grant think about this new campaign involving all the troops? Why?

10. Why, in Chapter Fifty-Nine, does Grant step back in time to Sherman's march to the sea?

(see the answer keys)

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