Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A Confederate officer later said that he'd pointed Grant out to his men, saying that they were welcome to shoot him. Did anyone shoot at him?
(a) Yes, but the shots purposely missed.
(b) No.
(c) Yes, several times.
(d) Yes, only once.

2. In Chapter 25, Grant said Confederate General Albert Sidney Johnston was wounded at Shiloh and, refusing to give up his command because _________________, remained on his horse until he was so weak from loss of blood that he died.
(a) He wanted to beat the Union soldiers.
(b) There was no one to take over.
(c) He was not willing to give up control.
(d) The wound was not severe.

3. The military regiment left Corpus Christi and Grant was promoted to ______________.
(a) First Lieutenant.
(b) Lieutenant General.
(c) Lieutenant Colonel.
(d) Second Lieutenant.

4. Grant joined Sherman on his march into what town?
(a) Atlanta.
(b) Savannah.
(c) Frankfort.
(d) Vicksburg.

5. Grant noted after the surrender of Vicksburg that the men taken prisoner did what regarding the Union Army?
(a) They begged them to let them go free.
(b) They talked and mingled with them.
(c) They ignored them.
(d) They teased and taunted them.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 16, Grant resigned from the military. He and Julia had two children by this time and Grant moved the family to land she owned near what city?

2. In Chapter 27, Grant moved to _______________, where he set up headquarters.

3. Former slaves join up with the army and Grant's orders were to allow them to remain within the protection of the military, as long as the slaves do what?

4. In Chapter 21, Grant described the assault and capture of ____________.

5. In Chapter 19, Grant was named _________________ and said he was surprised by the promotion.

Short Essay Questions

1. Grant was named Brigadier-General and said he was surprised by the promotion. Why might he have been surprised?

2. Prior to the Mexican War, Grant noted that the presence of U.S. soldiers was supposed to provoke an attack by the Mexicans but it did not. Why might they not have attacked?

3. Grant planned to attack Fort Donelson and predicted little opposition from the fort's commander. Why? What does this reveal about Grant?

4. Grant set up a supply depot at Perkins' plantation and described a sense of relief. Why was there a sense of relief?

5. As Grant journeyed to Memphis, he encountered a Union loyalist who warned him of a neighbor who was a Southern sympathizer. What does this reveal about the difficulties involved in fighting a civil war?

6. How did Grant feel about his men? How might he have benefited from this?

7. Describe the death of General Albert Sidney Johnston. Why might he have told this story?

8. Grant described the use of the trenches at Vicksburg. How were trenches useful? How were they used in later wars?

9. How does Grant contrast General Scott with General Taylor?

10. Grant received orders to support the army with the possessions of those favoring the Southern cause. Why was he given these orders.

(see the answer keys)

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