Persepolis: the Story of a Childhood Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Persepolis: the Story of a Childhood Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Marjane Satrapi say God looks like?
(a) Marx
(b) Her grandfather
(c) Descartes
(d) The Shah

2. What were Marjane Satrapi’s parents protesting?
(a) Government attacks on freedom
(b) The Westernization of Iran
(c) Pay cuts for civil servants
(d) Layoffs at the university

3. What had just happened the year before Satrapi’s story begins?
(a) The exile of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
(b) The death of her grandmother
(c) The Islamic Revolution
(d) Her birth

4. What cause did the people finally get to celebrate?
(a) Democratic reforms
(b) The king's departure
(c) Increased liberties
(d) Victory in the war with Iraq

5. Where does Satrapi’s mother tell Marjane Anoosh has gone?
(a) To America
(b) To Russia
(c) To prison
(d) To visit his mother in another city

6. What began to happen regularly after Black Friday?
(a) Coups
(b) Massacres
(c) Elections
(d) Protests

7. Whose thinking informs Anoosh’s thought in Chapter 9?
(a) Freud
(b) Lenin
(c) Darwin
(d) Nietzsche

8. In what way does Marjane Satrapi emulate her grandfather?
(a) She reads the same books that inspired him
(b) She eats the same diet he was given while in prison
(c) She goes among the people to hear what they think
(d) She stays in the bath until her skin is as wrinkled as his

9. Who immediately succeeded Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as the leader of Iran?
(a) Alexander the Great
(b) Reza Shah
(c) Mossadeq
(d) Shell Oil

10. What does Satrapi want to play with her parents in Chapter 3?
(a) Chess
(b) Cards
(c) Monopoly
(d) Music

11. When does Satrapi realize that she doesn’t understand anything?
(a) When her parents laugh about a story about cancer and death
(b) When her parents describe the political situation in Iran
(c) When her grandmother tells her stories about her own childhood
(d) When her parents describe trying to live on a budget

12. How do Satrapi and her family oppose the Islamic Revolution?
(a) They protest for reform
(b) They write letters to the newspapers
(c) They go to forbidden events
(d) They support opposition figures

13. What prediction does Satrapi’s mother make about Ramin?
(a) That he will never learn
(b) That he will be punished
(c) That he will be tortured in his own way
(d) That he will repent one day

14. What does Marjane Satrapi understand as a result of her reading?
(a) Her parents had protested to preserve the old aristocracy
(b) Her parents had wanted to flee the country
(c) She was ashamed to ride in her father's Cadillac
(d) She wanted to be a prophet

15. How does Satrapi’s grandmother say she survived in her poverty?
(a) She remarried to a rich man
(b) She got a job in a factory
(c) She left the country
(d) She took in sewing

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Satrapi’s mother threaten to do to her, if she beats up Ramin?

2. Why was Satrapi’s father nearly arrested?

3. What was Siamak’s crime?

4. What do the Guardians of the Revolution threaten Satrapi’s mother with?

5. Why did Satrapi’s mother dye her hair?

(see the answer keys)

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