Peril at End House, by Agatha Christie Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Peril at End House, by Agatha Christie Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is named as the will's executor?
(a) Vyse.
(b) Lazarus.
(c) Challenger.
(d) Freddie.

2. Who shot Maggie?
(a) Nick.
(b) Croft.
(c) Freddie's husband.
(d) Ellen's son.

3. Poirot is upset because he feels he has been ____.
(a) Melancholy.
(b) Blindsided.
(c) Fleeting.
(d) Outwitted.

4. Who objects to the cover up?
(a) Vyse.
(b) Ellen.
(c) Croft.
(d) Challenger.

5. When speaking to Nick at the nursing home Poirot compares himself to which toy?
(a) Spinning top.
(b) Rollerskate.
(c) Unicycle.
(d) Jack in the box.

6. The Constable is worried that the ______ will hear about Poirot's involvement in the case.
(a) Newspaper.
(b) Lead inspector.
(c) Police commissioner.
(d) Killer.

7. Who speaks to Poirot about the latest murder attempt on Nick?
(a) Ellen.
(b) George.
(c) William.
(d) Graham.

8. Who is going to be the main character in Poirot's play?
(a) Hastings.
(b) Nick.
(c) Ghost.
(d) Scrooge.

9. Who was present when Nick drafted her will?
(a) Croft.
(b) Vyse.
(c) Seton.
(d) Ellen.

10. Which item is not found in Nick's underwear drawer?
(a) Camisole.
(b) Socks.
(c) Petticoats.
(d) Letters.

11. The near poisoning causes Nick to ____ uncontrollably.
(a) Twitch.
(b) Hiccup.
(c) Cry.
(d) Sneeze.

12. At what time will the person(s) arrive?
(a) 6:00.
(b) 8:00.
(c) 4:00.
(d) 5:30.

13. According to the will, Mrs. Croft has performed a(n) _______ for Nick's father.
(a) Errand.
(b) Unnamed service.
(c) Murder.
(d) Appendectomy.

14. Graham says the person who doctored the chocolates is _____.
(a) Amateurish.
(b) Clever.
(c) Efficient.
(d) Clumsy.

15. How does Nick refer to Ellen's child?
(a) Willful and rude.
(b) Nasty little brute.
(c) Peculiar and solemn.
(d) Little angel.

Short Answer Questions

1. At this point who is the only person being called as a witness in the investigation?

2. Who appears in the room and shocks nearly everyone?

3. Who is the sole beneficiary of the will?

4. What is the starting location of the new arrival(s)?

5. Poirot refers to murderers as having a different ____________.

(see the answer keys)

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