The Perfect Storm Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Perfect Storm Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 9, which of the following is saved from raging sea water?

2. Who is in charge of the engine room aboard the Andrea Gail?

3. How many helicopters are involved in the rescue of the crew of The Satori?

4. How long is the sandbar known as Sable Island?

5. Upon hearing reports about the pending unfavorable weather that will turn into "The Perfect Storm", in which direction does Ray Leonard change the course of The Satori?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who are the Air National Guard rescuers written about in Chapter 9 who end up having to ditch the rescue helicopter in order to save their own lives as the attempt to rescue a Japanese sailor is underway along the New Jersey coast?

2. List some of the ways that most sword fishermen exhibit their state of denial about the dangers that exist in their profession.

3. What unconventional rescue method described in Chapter 9 does the Air National Guard resort to for what results in the rescue of three of its own rescuers during the attempt to rescue a Japanese sailor off the New Jersey coast?

4. Describe the four classifications that Junger writes about in Chapter 5 in relation to the method used by fishermen for gauging the velocity of a windstorm.

5. What does "wave energy rising to the fourth power during storms" mean, as explained in Chapter 6?

6. After "The Perfect Storm", what are the immediate signs noted in Chapter 9 that signal that perhaps not all may be well with the Andrea Gail and her crew?

7. What type of response to her call for assistance does Satori passenger Karen Stimpson receive?

8. What method of transportation, as described in Chapter 8, is used to shuttle those who had been on The Satori to safety?

9. According to the information that Junger provides in Chapter 7, what are the steps one takes in order to induce the life-preserving technique known as laryngospasm?

10. In Chapter 5, what does Junger describe as the action that a boat crew takes when they hear reports that a storm is hitting a boat at sea?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

As The Satori begins to get pounded by the ferocious gale winds and waves during the storm, a disagreement between skipper Ray Leonard and his passenger, Karen Stimpson erupts. 1) What is the basis for the argument between Stimpson and Leonard? 2) Who is right? Why? Who is wrong? Why?

Essay Topic 2

According to Junger, a fishing subculture exists in Gloucester. 1) How does he illustrate a fishing sub-culture's existence in Gloucester? 2) Write about three characters who best exemplify part of the fishing sub-culture about which Junger writes, and explain why or how the characters whom you have chosen deserve that notation.

Essay Topic 3

Unlike the themes of Gloucester residents being part of a fishing subculture and that "fishing is dangerous", what other theme is present but not recognized? Cite examples from the book to support your response.

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