The Perfect Storm Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Perfect Storm Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Junger, there are waves that do not depend on wind, but rather on which of the following elements?
(a) Water pressure.
(b) Gravity.
(c) Current.
(d) Motion.

2. Who aboard the Andrea Gail is NOT KNOWN to be concerned about finances?
(a) Murph Murphy.
(b) Billy Tyne.
(c) Bobby Shatford.
(d) Alfred Pierre.

3. What is the distance between the Andrea Gail and The Contship Holland during the time that "The Perfect Storm" is in full play?
(a) Approximately 15 miles.
(b) Approximately 200 miles.
(c) Approximately 55 miles.
(d) Approximately 80 miles.

4. Who does Judith call for assistance while in the midst of "The Perfect Storm"?
(a) Tommie Barrie aboard The Allison.
(b) Ray Leonard aboard The Satori.
(c) The Coast Guard.
(d) No one. Judith rides out "The Perfect Storm" without any assistance and she survives.

5. How many helicopters are involved in the rescue of the crew of The Satori?
(a) One helicopter.
(b) Two helicopters.
(c) Three helicopters.
(d) No helicopters.

Short Answer Questions

1. Junger states that once flipped over due to storm conditions or overwhelming wave activity, the Andrea Gail was bound to have filled with water at which of the following temperatures?

2. In the midst of the rescue attempt for those aboard The Satori, who pilots a small Falcon jet to the rescue site?

3. If the sound of wind during a windstorm is a deep tonal vibration like a church organ, what force level do fishermen gauge the windstorm to be?

4. During storms, according to author Sebastian Junger, wave energy rises to which of the following powers with wind speed?

5. "Diving reflex" as mentioned by Junger in "The Perfect Storm" does NOT refer to which of the following?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 5, what does Junger describe as the action that a boat crew takes when they hear reports that a storm is hitting a boat at sea?

2. Describe the four classifications that Junger writes about in Chapter 5 in relation to the method used by fishermen for gauging the velocity of a windstorm.

3. What was the United States Navy doing in relation to the detonation of nuclear bombs in the ocean about 40 years ago as Junger describes in Chapter 7?

4. What is the difference between "pitch-poling" and "floundering"?

5. How do scientists explain the beginning and ending of oceanic waves?

6. Why was the United States Navy conducting undersea experiments involving the detonation of nuclear bombs?

7. In Chapter 6 ,it appears as though Sebastian Junger has included a statement in favor of oceanic preservation and against the dumping of petroleum in the ocean. What is Junger's approximate statement about this matter?

8. Describe the steps as detailed in Chapter 7 in relation to how the life-preserving "diving reflex"" technique can be set in motion.

9. What type of response to her call for assistance does Satori passenger Karen Stimpson receive?

10. In Chapter 5, which five different directions do five different vessels head toward as those at their helms learn about the forecast concerning the forthcoming "Perfect Storm"?

(see the answer keys)

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