The Perfect Storm Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Perfect Storm Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 8.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is another name for the meteorological term, "nor-easter"?
(a) Bomb.
(b) Trough.
(c) Gale.
(d) Cold front.

2. Who aboard the Andrea Gail is NOT KNOWN to be concerned about finances?
(a) Alfred Pierre.
(b) Murph Murphy.
(c) Bobby Shatford.
(d) Billy Tyne.

3. If the sound of wind during a windstorm is a deep tonal vibration like a church organ, what force level do fishermen gauge the windstorm to be?
(a) Force 11.
(b) Force 10.
(c) Force 12.
(d) Force 9.

4. An anemometer measures which of the following?
(a) Wave force.
(b) Wind velocity.
(c) Wave height.
(d) Water level.

5. Why does Adam Randall decide not to join the crew of the Andrea Gail on the particular fishing trip described in "The Perfect Storm"?
(a) His mother becomes gravely ill and Adam feels that he cannot leave.
(b) Adam slips, falls, and fractures his back, leaving him unable to travel.
(c) He forgets to pack his blood pressure medication and is unable to leave without it.
(d) Adam has a premonition of disaster.

Short Answer Questions

1. If the sound of wind during a windstorm shrieks, what force level do fishermen gauge the windstorm to be?

2. What is the distance between the Andrea Gail and The Contship Holland during the time that "The Perfect Storm" is in full play?

3. Who owns the Andrea Gail?

4. What type of plans do Andrea Gail crew member Bobby Shatford and Christine Cotter have in mind to engage in together upon his return from fishing aboard the Andrea Gail?

5. How many helicopters are involved in the rescue of the crew of The Satori?

(see the answer key)

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