Perfect Chemistry Test | Final Test - Medium

Simone Elkeles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Perfect Chemistry Test | Final Test - Medium

Simone Elkeles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Brittany take Alex in Chapter 44 that makes him uncomfortable?
(a) A mall.
(b) A bistro.
(c) A gallery.
(d) A church.

2. What do people do to the bride at the reception?
(a) Pin money to her gown.
(b) Make her kiss her new husband when they clink silverware on glasses.
(c) Lift her up in a chair.
(d) Make her sing to her groom.

3. What nickname does Alex tell Brittany means a white girl in his world?
(a) Snow girl.
(b) Marshmallow girl.
(c) Chalk girl.
(d) Halo girl.

4. Where do Alex and Brittany first kiss?
(a) Alex's house.
(b) The library.
(c) The pool.
(d) Brittany's house.

5. What does Brittany say to Shelley as she sleeps?
(a) I won't let them take you away.
(b) I will always love you.
(c) Maybe going away is the best thing for you.
(d) I can't wait until you're gone.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much time passes after his hospitalization before Alex returns to Illinois?

2. What is done to Alex to mark him as a Blood forever?

3. What does Alex make Carlos promise to do?

4. Who is the new leader of the Bloods?

5. In Chapter 43, Brittany, Sierra, Doug and Alex go on a trip to where?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Alex feel so out of place when he, Brittany, Sierra and Doug visit an art gallery?

2. What does Brittany agree to do for Alex at Paco's request in Chapter 46?

3. Why does Brittany end up breaking up with Colin?

4. Why does Alex quickly send Brittany away when he sees that Lucky has come to the garage?

5. How has Brittany always tried to present herself in a way that people expect of her and how is Alex changing her perspective on that?

6. How do Brittany and Alex reunite at the end of "Perfect Chemistry"?

7. Why does Brittany go to the garage to see Alex and what do they agree to regarding a new relationship?

8. Why is Brittany so impressed with Alex's behavior with Shelley?

9. What halts Brittany and Colin from having sex at Shane's party?

10. Why is Brittany demoted from being pom pom captain?

(see the answer keys)

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