Perfect Chemistry Test | Final Test - Easy

Simone Elkeles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Perfect Chemistry Test | Final Test - Easy

Simone Elkeles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the nickname people use for Brittany and Colin?
(a) Romeo and Juliet.
(b) The North Side Lovers.
(c) The Golden Couple.
(d) Fairfield's Finest.

2. Who gives Brittany the address of Enrique's Body Shop so she can find Alex?
(a) Paco.
(b) Isabel.
(c) Carmen.
(d) Hector.

3. Where does Alex invite Brittany to go with him?
(a) The drag races.
(b) A long drive.
(c) Dinner and a movie.
(d) His cousin's wedding.

4. What is Doug Thompson doing when Brittany arrives at Sierra's house?
(a) Climbing out a second-story window.
(b) Playing croquet.
(c) Mowing the lawn.
(d) Swimming in the pool.

5. Why does Alex rush Brittany out of the garage after they make love?
(a) He doesn't want Enrique to see them together.
(b) He has to close up the shop.
(c) He doesn't want her to learn about the deal with Lucky.
(d) He knows her parents will wonder where she is.

6. Who is the new leader of the Bloods?
(a) Jorge.
(b) Javier.
(c) Carlo.
(d) Chuy.

7. Where does Paco take Alex to talk to him about not doing the drug deal?
(a) A mall.
(b) A golf range.
(c) A restaurant.
(d) The warehouse.

8. Where does Brittany take Alex in Chapter 44 that makes him uncomfortable?
(a) A bistro.
(b) A mall.
(c) A gallery.
(d) A church.

9. What does Alex's mother warn him to stop doing in Chapter 42?
(a) Dating Carmen.
(b) Dealing drugs.
(c) Driving too fast.
(d) Asking about his father.

10. What is Alex accused of doing in Chapter 30?
(a) Ruining the grass at school with his motorcycle.
(b) Vandalizing the school gym.
(c) Setting off the fire alarm at school.
(d) Breaking windows of the principal's office.

11. What information does Alex hope to get by hanging out at the Bloods' warehouse?
(a) Information about Javier.
(b) Information about Carlo.
(c) Information about Brittany.
(d) Information about his Dad.

12. Where does Alex's cousin hold her wedding?
(a) The beach.
(b) City Hall.
(c) Her parents' home.
(d) A Catholic church.

13. What does Alex reveal to Brittany in the hospital room?
(a) He is joining the Army.
(b) He wants to marry her.
(c) He set Paco up to be killed.
(d) He made love to her on a bet.

14. Brittany's parents have finalized plans to send Shelley away to a care facility in which state?
(a) Florida.
(b) Georgia.
(c) Maine.
(d) Colorado.

15. Brittany's relationship with Colin has always been based on _________________-.
(a) love.
(b) lust.
(c) fear.
(d) appearances.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Brittany say to Shelley as she sleeps?

2. Who has stolen Alex's gun from his dresser drawer?

3. What is done to Alex to mark him as a Blood forever?

4. What do people do to the bride at the reception?

5. Why is Alex pulled over and arrested on his way home in Chapter 34?

(see the answer keys)

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