People of the Book Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Geraldine Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

People of the Book Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Geraldine Brooks
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who takes Lola to the National Museum in “An Insect’s Wing: Sarajevo, 1940"?
(a) Alia.
(b) Sava.
(c) Amitai.
(d) Aida.

2. What building does Lola make her way to in Sarajevo that her father once worked in, in “An Insect’s Wing: Sarajevo, 1940"?
(a) The mosque.
(b) The finance ministry.
(c) The art museum.
(d) The synagogue.

3. What does the saltwater used at the seder table represent?
(a) The tears of the slaves in Egypt.
(b) The fish of the sea.
(c) The worship of the Golden calf.
(d) The parting of the Red Sea.

4. What river is described in the opening of “An Insect’s Wing: Sarajevo, 1940"?
(a) The Neretva River.
(b) The Ganges River.
(c) The Vibas River.
(d) The Miljacka River.

5. Where did Hanna spend six months learning how to properly mix wheat paste?
(a) Iran.
(b) Germany.
(c) France.
(d) Japan.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who wrote the book My Youth in Vienna that Heinlich reads from to Hanna in “Hanna: Vienna, Spring 1996”?

2. Where was Dr. Heinrich's family killed in a fire-bombing during WWII?

3. Where was the Sarajevo Haggadah last bound, according to the narrator in “Hanna: Sarajevo, Spring 1996”?

4. How long is the report by the ancient Near-Eastern manuscripts specialist that Hanna reads at the archives in “Hanna: Vienna, Spring 1996”?

5. When did the Sarajevo seige begin in the Bosnian War?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does Lola go in Sarajevo when she returns in “An Insect’s Wing: Sarajevo, 1940”? Who does she meet there and how does this character help Lola?

2. What actions does Serif Kabal take to save the Sarajevo Haggadah?

3. Why has Hanna come to Sarajevo in “Hanna: Sarajevo, Spring 1996”? Who accompanies her? What is Hanna's objective in this chapter?

4. How is the setting of Sarajevo described in 1996 in the novel? How is Bosnia's recent history described?

5. Describe Hanna's character in the novel. How old is Hanna? What is her focus of expertise?

6. Who is Franz Hirschfeldt? How is his character described in “Feathers and a Rose: Vienna, 1894"?

7. How does the narrative style of the novel change in “An Insect’s Wing: Sarajevo, 1940"? Why do you think the author makes this change?

8. How does Hanna describe her coming to work with Werner Heinrich initially in “Hanna: Vienna, Spring 1996"?

9. Who is Isak and what is his relationship to Lola? What happens to Isak?

10. Who is Lola and how is her character introduced in “An Insect’s Wing: Sarajevo, 1940"?

(see the answer keys)

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