Penny from Heaven Test | Final Test - Medium

Jennifer L. Holm
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Penny from Heaven Test | Final Test - Medium

Jennifer L. Holm
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the flavor of the ice cream that Penny is gifted with while she is recuperating in the hospital?
(a) Caramel Swirl.
(b) Butter Pecan.
(c) Strawberry.
(d) Rocky Road.

2. What, to Penny's surprise, does she find that she misses while she is in the hospital?
(a) School.
(b) Sitting in the Plymouth RoadKing with Uncle Dominic.
(c) Playing ball with Frankie.
(d) Me-me's banana pancakes.

3. How does Frankie manage to get himself and Penny in trouble at the wake?
(a) By laughing out loud.
(b) By playing his transistor radio loudly.
(c) By poking the corpse.
(d) By chewing gum and popping it.

4. What does Me-me notice about the dress that Penny is to wear to her deceased relative's wake?
(a) That Penny has outgrown it.
(b) That it has a black stain all along its right side.
(c) That it has a horrific tear all along one of its seams.
(d) That it is missing three buttons.

5. What does Uncle Ralphie do in observance of Penny's birthday?
(a) He raises a flag with Penny's name on it.
(b) He closes the store for the day.
(c) He sets up a college fund for Penny at the local bank.
(d) He places a birthday announcement in the local paper.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the doctor tell Penny about her injured arm?

2. Who manages to get an all-access pass to visit Penny in her hospital room at any time?

3. Who is ill when Penny awakens one morning not long after her birthday?

4. What does the funeral director threaten Frankie with due to his misbehavior?

5. What does Penny's mother gift Penny for her twelfth birthday?

Short Essay Questions

1. Based on the narrative in Chapter 20 of the book, how does Penny's job at Uncle Ralphie's meat market change when she returns to work following her stay in the hospital?

2. According to the text in Chapter 16 of the book, how is Penny distracted to the point that she injures her arm while putting the laundry through the wringer of the washing machine in Nonny's basement?

3. Based on the text in Chapter 20 of the book, how has Penny's bedroom been changed when she returns home following her stay in the hospital?

4. According to the text in Chapter 20 of the book, do any pleasant things or occurrences take place in Penny's life upon her return from the hospital?

5. Based on the text in the thirteenth chapter of the book, do any misunderstandings occur between Penny and her mother on her Penny's birthday?

6. According to the text in the twelfth chapter of the book, how does Uncle Dominic resolve the situations that Uncle Benny gets into as family members are attempting to make their way to and from Aunt Concetta's wake?

7. According to the text in Chapter 18, what happens to the eight-year-old female cancer patient after all the other children (with the exception of Penny) have been released from the hospital and gone home?

8. According to the text in Chapter 17 of the book, what happens in relation to those who visit Penny as she continues her stay in the hospital?

9. According to the text in Chapter 17 of the book, what contributes to Penny's disappointment while she is in the hospital?

10. Based on the text in Chapter 18, what does Penny learn from Frankie in relation to Uncle Dominic's whereabouts during her stay in the hospital?

(see the answer keys)

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