Pegasus Bridge: June 6, 1944 Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pegasus Bridge: June 6, 1944 Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 6, pgs. 119-127.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When did Brigadier Poett land in Normandy in Chapter 5?
(a) 0156 hours
(b) 1452 hours.
(c) 0026 hours.
(d) 0019 hours.

2. How prepared were Von Luck's men for such a situation according to Ambrose?
(a) None, the division was on leave.
(b) Barely, it was something Von Luck didn't anticipate.
(c) Very, Von Luck's plans were made for such a situation.
(d) Barely, Von Luck didn't have time to train.

3. Howard decided the men from glider #3 would ____________.
(a) Reinforce Brotheridge.
(b) Destroy the Benouville cafe.
(c) Interrogate German prisoners.
(d) Clear the bodies.

4. What did Howard and his men do when paratroopers arrived at the bridges?
(a) They used them on the front line.
(b) They briefed them.
(c) They used them as couriers.
(d) They deployed them immediately.

5. What was Von Luck waiting for to counterattack with the full force of the 21st Panzer?
(a) To have an accurate picture of what was going on.
(b) Daylight.
(c) Permission to do so.
(d) To finish his breakfast.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where would the 3rd Para Brigade drop according to Howard's orders?

2. Where would the British infantry head according to the plan set in place for the invasion?

3. According to the plan, who would relieve Howard after his mission was accomplished?

4. How was the Allied war effort going in 1942, according to the start of Chapter 2?

5. Who was Von Luck commanding officer in 1942?

(see the answer key)

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