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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Where did Helen go after she left Jeremiah?
2. What color sweater does Reuben wear when he testifies at Davy's trial?
3. What game does Mr. DeCuellar teach Swede and Reuben to help them pass the time while they wait to be admitted to the courtroom?
4. What does Swede pretend to be when the Lands crawl up on Canadian geese?
5. What would Helen Land read to Davy when he was one year old?
Short Essay Questions
1. What happens to Swede while Reuben and his father attend church?
2. What worries Dr. Nokes about Jeremiah's pneumonia?
3. Why did Jeremiah suddenly run inside the hospital?
4. What does Reuben hear and see when he gets up in the night at the Schultz's to use the outhouse?
5. Why are Swede's sugar cookies sometimes unorthodox?
6. What happened when Swede chases the goose shot by Reuben?
7. Who does Swede have rescue Sunny from the noose and why does that bother Reuben?
8. Why did an ambulance have to take Lurvy and another man when Lurvy became sick?
9. Why is Jeremiah fired from his job as janitor at the elementary school?
10. What does Reuben feel when he touches his dad during the revival service held by Rev. Johnny Latt?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Discuss how the police respond when they learn about Swede's capture by Israel Fisher and Tommy Basca.
Support your statements with examples and quotes from the book.
Essay Topic 2
Using examples from the book, discuss what prayer means to Jeremiah. Support your statements with examples and quotes from the book.
Essay Topic 3
Discuss the relationship between the DeCuellars and the Lands. Support your statements with examples and quotes from the book.
This section contains 981 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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