Peace Child Test | Final Test - Medium

Don Richardson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Peace Child Test | Final Test - Medium

Don Richardson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does "gefam ason" mean?
(a) The end of the world.
(b) Tasting nothing.
(c) Paddling through the storm.
(d) Touching the stench.

2. What problems does Richardson face personally as he starts his sixth month of living with the Sawi people?
(a) Daily threats of violence to his family, his home being set on fire and his mother dying back in Canada.
(b) Depression, Stephen's malaria, his wife's pregnancy and a general loss of hope.
(c) Monsoon rains which washed away the foundation of his home.
(d) Government interference and high taxes.

3. What is the second level of despair?
(a) Starting a bonfire at the death camp.
(b) Dressing the dead person's body in colorful clothing.
(c) Covering oneself with Sago thorns and rolling on the ground.
(d) Dancing under the gravehouse platform as maggots and rotting flesh rain down.

4. Why do the young boys spread the news that the Richardson family is eating brains?
(a) Because they are lying to get attention.
(b) Because Richardsons tell the boys this to frighten them.
(c) Because their macaroni supper looks like brains.
(d) Because the Richardsons frighten them.

5. What is Don Richardson's first order of business with the Sawi tribe?
(a) To establish trading alliances with neighboring tribes.
(b) To cure the sick and heal the lame.
(c) To convert the children to Christianity.
(d) To learn the Sawi language.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first thing Warahi says when he comes out of his coma?

2. What is the first level of despair?

3. How does Mavo respond to the protection and kindness which Richardson shows to him?

4. What do Sawi people do if twins are born?

5. What do the Sawi people build for a dead person?

Short Essay Questions

1. When the Richardsons inform the Sawi leaders that they will be moving, what surprising response do they receive?

2. Who is God's "Tarop"?

3. What does Kimi come to do to Warahai?

4. What surprises Richardson about the Sawi language?

5. Why is the arrival of Hurip, the injured Kayagar, such a challenge?

6. When Don Richardson shares the story of Jesus with the Sawi men, what is their reaction?

7. What does Richardson promise to teach the Sawi Christians?

8. A Sawi woman dies in childbirth along with the twins that she gives birth to. What do the Sawi believe about twins?

9. In May of 1963 what happened to the government of New Guinea?

10. What is the custom of fighting as described in Chapter 13, War at my Door?

(see the answer keys)

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