Peace Child Test | Final Test - Easy

Don Richardson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Peace Child Test | Final Test - Easy

Don Richardson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the woman, once beautiful, now covered in mud, weeping and wailing in grief?
(a) Wumi, mother of a peace child.
(b) Watiro, one of the leading women in Kamur.
(c) Mary, mother of Jesus.
(d) Carol, Don Richardson's wife.

2. What is the second level of despair?
(a) Dancing under the gravehouse platform as maggots and rotting flesh rain down.
(b) Starting a bonfire at the death camp.
(c) Dressing the dead person's body in colorful clothing.
(d) Covering oneself with Sago thorns and rolling on the ground.

3. What is Don Richardson's first order of business with the Sawi tribe?
(a) To convert the children to Christianity.
(b) To cure the sick and heal the lame.
(c) To learn the Sawi language.
(d) To establish trading alliances with neighboring tribes.

4. Why is Hato so filled with grief?
(a) Hato was in grief over the loss of his place as chief.
(b) Hato had given a peace child to the Kayagar and they killed and ate the child.
(c) Hato had seen many of his children die of malaria.
(d) Hato had lost his parents recently.

5. What does Richardson believe is stopping the Sawi people from following the Christian path?
(a) Fear of the power of God and Jesus.
(b) Fear of being crucified like Jesus.
(c) Fear of unfavorable reaction from the demon world.
(d) Fear of Richardson and the Tuan people.

6. In the Sawi language, how many tenses does each verb have?
(a) Each verb has only 1 tense.
(b) Each verb has 3 tenses.
(c) Each verb has 103 tenses.
(d) Each verb has 19 tenses.

7. What happens to Er when he makes advances towards a girl?
(a) She chases him into the river.
(b) He is forced to marry the girl.
(c) Her male relatives shoot him with arrows.
(d) She accuses him of terrible things and he is banished.

8. What does Richardson organize to celebrate his first Christmas with the Sawi?
(a) A huge ironwood tree covered with ornaments.
(b) A trip for his family to Australia.
(c) A large scale inter-village feast.
(d) A Bible study for a few close Sawi friends.

9. What does Don Richardson believe the real battle is about?
(a) Between women and men.
(b) Between the modern world and the stone age world.
(c) Between God and Satan.
(d) Between the savagery and the gospel of peace.

10. What insult is hurtled at a Haenam youth which almost starts a serious battle?
(a) He is called "lizard-skin."
(b) He is called "slow as mud."
(c) He is called "tuan like."
(d) He is called "weird old man."

11. Who stands at the front of the battle, on the front line, so to speak?
(a) The women.
(b) The jesters and clowns are sent to the front to distract.
(c) The most experienced warriors.
(d) The young teenage boys.

12. Where are dead bodies interred in a Sawi village?
(a) In a small, coffin-sized gravehouse, elevated five to fifteen feet above ground.
(b) Deep in the earth, directly under the family longhouse.
(c) In a communal grave, on the edge of the village.
(d) They are sunk in the Kronkel river just downstream of the village.

13. What are the relatives of Warahai doing to his body now that they believe his soul has left?
(a) Carrying him around the village on their shoulders.
(b) Burning him with coals, shouting his name and pinching him.
(c) Putting heavy stones on him in order to sink his body to the bottom of the river.
(d) Laying sago bread across his chest.

14. What do the Sawi people raise their children to be?
(a) Strong willed.
(b) Musical and artistic.
(c) Invisible in the jungle.
(d) Quiet and reticent.

15. What do the Sawi men build on the Kronkel river under Richardson's guidance?
(a) A small island made of concrete.
(b) A huge raft made of ironwood poles.
(c) A breakwater barrier.
(d) A 110-foot iron bridge.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the women do during battle?

2. What is Aham's role in the village?

3. When the Richardsons, Winifred and Mavo fall off the capsized dugout and into the Kronkel river, what happens first?

4. Why is Beray not welcoming to the men from Wiyar?

5. What problems does Richardson face personally as he starts his sixth month of living with the Sawi people?

(see the answer keys)

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