Peace Child Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Don Richardson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Peace Child Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Don Richardson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Netherlands New Guinea, or Irian Jaya as it is later called, located in relation to Australia?
(a) It is in Australia, right in the central district.
(b) It is not near Australia but located near India.
(c) Southwest of Australia.
(d) Directly north of Australia.

2. What does Don Richardson interpret the tumult of Sawi activity as?
(a) A chance to learn the Sawi language.
(b) A dangerous cannibalistic ritual.
(c) The beginning of a violent war between Sawi and Tuan.
(d) A baptism into a new and strange world.

3. How is wild boar meat carried out of the jungle?
(a) On a large platter of ironwood, carried on the hunter's head.
(b) In a bamboo box strapped on the hunter's shoulders and head.
(c) In a wheelbarrow.
(d) In a woven sago frond pack.

4. What does Don Richardson do that frightens the Sawi people away from his house?
(a) He shoots a shot gun in their direction.
(b) He throws a handful of firecrackers out of the front door.
(c) He eats brains.
(d) He lights a kerosene lamp in the darkness.

5. What do the Sawi people believe airplanes are?
(a) German bomber planes.
(b) Supernatural creatures.
(c) Chariots of the gods.
(d) River spirits.

6. Why are the Kayagar men upset with Richardson when he announces his intention to build a home in Sawi territory?
(a) The Kayagar people don't want to paddle all the way down the river.
(b) The village of Amyam is desperate to have a Tuan live with them.
(c) The Kayagar men are afraid of the Sawi and think that Richardson will be killed.
(d) The Kayagar village of Amyam is better at building houses than the Sawi.

7. What does "Kanggime" mean in the language Dani?
(a) Mission State.
(b) Land without time.
(c) The place of death.
(d) Waiting until the sun comes up.

8. What principle does Don Richardson believe God gives him to offer the tribal people?
(a) The principle of original sin.
(b) The principle of cause and effect.
(c) The principle of redemption.
(d) The principle of capitalism.

9. What is the primary redemptive analogy which Richardson uses to reach the tribal people?
(a) The tribal ritual of marriage.
(b) The tribal ritual of Jesus and the disciples.
(c) The tribal ritual of "fattening for slaughter."
(d) The tribal ritual of a "peace child."

10. Who is Patches?
(a) The fierce watchdog that lives with the missionary family of John McCain.
(b) The nickname for Richardson's young son.
(c) The cook who makes fried sago worms for Richardson's family.
(d) The translator who makes "patchwork" of the early communications with the Sawi tribe.

11. Where is Yae sitting at the beginning of chapter one?
(a) Yae is sitting by the man-made pool in his backyard.
(b) Yae is sitting in a plane which is on its way to Istanbul.
(c) Yae is sitting in his treehouse, forty feet above the Kronkel river.
(d) Yae is sitting in the hospital where his wife is dying in childbirth.

12. Why is Yae going on a journey to the nearby village of Haenam?
(a) He is thinking of moving from Mauro to Haenam.
(b) He is campaigning for political office and needs the support of Haenam villagers.
(c) He is trying to forge an alliance between his village, Mauro, and Haenam.
(d) He is going to visit his mother who lives in Haenam.

13. When Yae arrives at the Haenam village at the beginning of Chapter 2, why is he so confident?
(a) He has been visiting them for seven months and they have been very friendly and warm.
(b) He is marrying the chief's daughter and will soon be related to the tribe.
(c) He is carrying a concealed gun so that if there is trouble, he can defend himself.
(d) He is bringing them steel axes and a chain saw.

14. How does Don Richardson find a way into the hearts and minds of the tribe?
(a) By paying them large sums of cash.
(b) By connecting with their own cultural redemptive analogies.
(c) By having a great sense of humor.
(d) By cooking great meals and making good friends with the elders.

15. Why do the Richardsons go to live in New Guinea?
(a) They have no choice; they are sent by their families.
(b) They think the climate would be good for their health.
(c) They are writing a book on ancient cultures and want to do research.
(d) They feel called to serve God as missionaries.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does eating flesh for the first time mean to Sawi children?

2. What effect does the tide have upon the black, algae-stained Kronkel river?

3. Who is waiting at the new homesite when the Richardsons arrive?

4. How many treehouses are there, in total, in the Mauro village?

5. Where is Yae's wife, Kautap, cooking as Yae waits to go to Haenam?

(see the answer keys)

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