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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What tree does Pax climb after catching his first mouse in Chapter 25?
2. In Chapter 19, how long has Peter been at Vola's?
3. What did Vola leave for Peter to eat after the show in Chapter 22?
4. In Chapter 25, how long has it been since Pax has eaten?
5. In Chapter 19, how long has Pax run hard?
Short Essay Questions
1. What has Peter seen as he traveled toward the evacuated area?
2. Why does Vola have marionettes?
3. How does Pax describe tears?
4. What does Pax see in Chapter 19 when he returns to the area where Gray's body rests?
5. In Chapter 20, what has Peter done that morning?
6. What is Pax thinking about the meals he has had in Chapter 23?
7. Why does a soldier let Peter into the evacuated area?
8. How does Vola help Peter understand the marionettes and how to work them?
9. How does Bristle teach Pax to hunt?
10. How is Peter feeling and why at the beginning of Chapter 16?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The relationship between Pax and Bristle changes in the novel. What is their relationship like when they first meet? How does their relationship change? Why does it change?
Essay Topic 2
Vola is angered by humans who start wars, but do not tell the truth about the effects war has on people and on land. What experiences has Vola had in war? What effects has she had to endure because of war? How have those experiences shaped the way she describes war and its effects to Peter? What does Peter learn about war? How does he come to view war and how does that affect the choices he makes?
Essay Topic 3
Peter often denies that he is angry. Why does Peter attempt to control his anger? With whom or what does he associate anger? What does Vola say about humans and anger? Why does Peter believe that anger is dangerous? What does Vola teach Peter about anger? What does Peter learn about anger and how it should be used? How does that affect how Peter handles his anger by the end of the book?
This section contains 955 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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