Pax, Journey Home Test | Final Test - Easy

Sara Pennypacker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pax, Journey Home Test | Final Test - Easy

Sara Pennypacker
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 21, what is Samuel's assignment?
(a) Finding the feeder springs.
(b) Making camp.
(c) Collecting water and sediment.
(d) Fixing food.

2. What type of house does Peter pass on the way to the mill that was abandoned long before the war?
(a) 1-story bungalow.
(b) 1 story cottage.
(c) Tall-gabled house.
(d) 2-story brick house.

3. In Chapter 33, from what direction is there a breeze?
(a) West.
(b) East.
(c) North.
(d) South.

4. What does Jade give Peter to offer a chicadee in Chapter 22?
(a) Sunflower seeds.
(b) Granola bar.
(c) Part of a sandwich.
(d) Dried fruit.

5. In Chapter 29, under what type of tree does Pax make a shelter for him and his daughter?
(a) Hemlock.
(b) Willow.
(c) Cottonwood.
(d) Sycamore.

6. What type of eggs do Pax and the vixen eat in Chapter 23?
(a) Quail.
(b) Turtle.
(c) Duck.
(d) Frog.

7. In Chapter 24, what do Peter, Jade, and Samuel use to start a fire?
(a) Twigs.
(b) Pine needles.
(c) Reeds.
(d) Old mouse and squirrel nests.

8. What did Peter give to Vola that he saved from the things that belonged to his mother?
(a) Necklace.
(b) Ring.
(c) Earrings.
(d) Bracelet.

9. In Chapter 19, how long do Pax and the kit rest at the still pond?
(a) 2 days.
(b) 3 days.
(c) 4 days.
(d) 1 day.

10. What type of trees surround the clearing where Peter remembers throwing the toy soldier to Pax?
(a) Spruce.
(b) Scrub pine.
(c) Juniper.
(d) Pine.

11. In Chapter 31 as Peter walks to the old mill, what type of dogs does he remember seeing and his friends' daring him to go on?
(a) Rottweilers.
(b) Guard dogs.
(c) Pit bulls.
(d) German shepherds.

12. What type of handle does the knife have that Vola gave Peter?
(a) Cherry.
(b) Walnut.
(c) Maple.
(d) Oak.

13. In Chapter 32, what type of tree is snagged on the wreck of the mill wheel?
(a) Oak.
(b) Hemlock.
(c) Elm.
(d) Walnut.

14. Where does Pax see some crows in Chapter 23?
(a) Maple.
(b) Elm.
(c) Oak.
(d) Birch.

15. In Chapter 23, what insects drift off the water?
(a) Shad flies.
(b) Whirligig beetles.
(c) Dragonflies.
(d) Banded demoiselle.

Short Answer Questions

1. How wide is the river in places in Chapter 22?

2. What does Peter use when he shows Jade and Samuel how to make a lean-to in Chapter 24?

3. How wide does Peter believe the river is in Chapter 32?

4. Where does Peter remember that Pax has a scar?

5. In Chapter 22, how long does Peter say that he will be at his old house?

(see the answer keys)

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