The Basic Training of Pavlo Hummel Fun Activities

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Basic Training of Pavlo Hummel Fun Activities

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Basic Training of Pavlo Hummel Lesson Plans

Pavlo/Pavlov Parallel Poster

Have students review Pavlo's character traits and then go to the library and research Ivan Pavlov and this classical conditioning response theory. Allow students to make their own parallels between Pavlov's dog and Pavlo, asking them to make a poster showcasing the dehumanizing yet interesting parallels between these two creatures/characters. This concept that Pavlo's name may have been used on purpose by the playwright can also be analyzed in greater depth by writing students.

Pavlo Collage of Life

Give students chart paper and ask them to artistically create their own collage of the life of Pavlo, punctuating important scenes with particularly strong colors or images. Aiming to translate the surreal nature of the play to paper, encourage students to transpose the feeling of the play to their artistic piece.

An Extra Scene in the LIfe of Pavlo Hummel

Students can get into groups...

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