Paul Harvey's The Rest of the Story Test | Final Test - Easy

Paul Harvey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Paul Harvey's The Rest of the Story Test | Final Test - Easy

Paul Harvey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What time does Sam Houston order the Texas army to attack?
(a) 5:30
(b) 3:30
(c) 2:30
(d) 4:30

2. What well known restaurant chain does Harlan start with his social security money in Chapter 54?
(a) Hardees.
(b) Wendy's.
(c) Roy Rogers.
(d) Kentucky Fried Chicken.

3. As Harvey explains in Chapter 39, Olga Samaroff is originally from ____________.
(a) Tuscon, Arizona.
(b) Dallas Texas.
(c) Phoenix, Arizona.
(d) San Antonio, Texas.

4. What happens to Shepard's manuscript when the publisher sends it to the printer in Chapter 51?
(a) Twice as many copies are printed.
(b) Only half of it is printed.
(c) The publisher sends the wrong version.
(d) The printer loses it.

5. What country is the piano player from in Chapter 71?
(a) Italy.
(b) Poland.
(c) Germany.
(d) Russia.

6. How many women from her country have been admitted to the Paris Conservatoire before Olga Samaroff?
(a) Three.
(b) None.
(c) Two.
(d) Four.

7. Why is Edison considered a top producer in Chapter 71?
(a) There are no other producers at the time.
(b) He invented the microphone.
(c) He is friends with a lot of musicians of the time.
(d) He is well respected as a musician.

8. When does Charles Augustus invent a design for the first artificial heart and lung?
(a) 1934.
(b) 1935.
(c) 1937.
(d) 1638.

9. How long does it take for William to become a governor, to be a prisoner, and to be labeled as a terrorist in Chapter 65?
(a) Two years.
(b) Five years.
(c) Seven years.
(d) Four years.

10. How does Bart get to his robberies in Chapter 55?
(a) By horse.
(b) He takes a train.
(c) He takes a stagecoach.
(d) By foot.

11. What type of fictional stories is Horatio Alger known for?
(a) Suspense.
(b) Rags to riches.
(c) Comedies.
(d) Mysteries.

12. What is the original intent of the song being sung during wars in Chapter 62?
(a) To mislead the enemy.
(b) To scare the enemy.
(c) To pass the time.
(d) To inspire the troops.

13. How much is Harlan's social security check in Chapter 54?
(a) One hundred and fifty five dollars.
(b) Two hundred and five dollars.
(c) Ninety- five dollars.
(d) One hundred and five dollars.

14. When does the war between Honduras and El Salvador begin?
(a) 1979.
(b) 1969.
(c) 1949.
(d) 1959.

15. What job does Boles have while in prison?
(a) He is dishwasher.
(b) He is a cook.
(c) He is a druggist.
(d) He is a janitor.

Short Answer Questions

1. What country is Lucy's father the ambassador to in Chapter 58?

2. What country is Willem in when he becomes an evangelist?

3. As mentioned in Chapter 62, during which which war is the song sung by the British soldiers?

4. What is the teacher's name in Chapter 53?

5. How many other prisoners escape with Churchill in Chapter 47?

(see the answer keys)

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